Simulated CBED pattern     TEMStrain    Simulated CBED pattern


"Fine-tuning" frame box

The command buttons of the “Fine-tuning” frame box of the main interface can be used for modifying camera length, voltage and orientation for a displayed pattern based on the kinematically simulated diagram. The frame box is enabled by clicking on “Simulate pattern” command button. 

The camera length is increased (decreased) by left (right) click on the “C.L.” command button. See: setting the camera length. 

The voltage is increased (decreased) by left (right) click on the “Voltage” command button. See: setting the voltage.

The orientation is altered by clicking on the command buttons marked by arrows and the one marked by a circle. The last button corresponds to the rotation  about the microscope optical axis (fi1 angle); left (right) click rotates the simulated pattern to the left (right) and increases (decreases) fi1See: setting the orientation.

Double click on the frame of fine-tuning buttons gives access to buttons modifying the strain tensor components. The type of the modified tensor is determined by radio buttons CCS, PSts, MCS. Differently than "C.L.", "Voltage" and orientation buttons, the "strain" buttons alter the strain tensor components only while the button is pressed; once it is released, the components return to their initial values.

The command button in the right upper corner (with a number) changes the step for all other buttons in the “Fine-tuning” frame box. Smaller number on the button corresponds to smaller step size.

When any of the parameters are changed, the current value of camera length (C.L.) , voltage or zone axis (Z.A.) is displayed at the bottom of the “Fine-tuning” frame box. The same field is used for displaying the correlation coefficient of the experimental pattern and its dynamically simulated counterpart. The range of the coefficient is [-1,1] with -1 corresponding to patterns with inversed intensities and 1 corresponding to identical patterns. 

TEMStrain v.1.3,   Dec. 2014