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      • PhD report (June 2013) K. Stan
        Main studies carried out during this month:
        - participation in the conference AMT (Advanced Materials and Technologies) 2013 - XX Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Conference between 9 and 12 of June in Kudowa-Zdrój. During session for young scientists I gave a talk: „Microstructure an

      • PhD HK
        In June I was on the coference „Advanced Materials and Technologies AMT 2013” In Kudowa Zdrój. During the conference I presented the part of results of my research (obtained at the firsth and the second year of my studies), in the form of oral presentation entitled a speech entitled „ Electroche

      • MTrybula (thermodynamic modelling)
        EMF study of liquid ternary alloys combined with thermodynamic modelling using CALPHAD approach. The partial excess thermodynamic functions for two sets of constatnt ratio of molar fraction was computed in terms of symmetric model, i.e Muggianu, Kohler and Colinet.
        Participation at the XLII In

      • Workshop in Metz
        From 12th to 14th of June, I attended a workshop dedicated to
        analysis of 3D microstructure data obtained mainly from
        FIB/SEM dual-beam machines. Most of the time was filled by
        a DREAM.3D program tutorial - the tool I've been extensively using
        for grain boundary reconstruct

      • PhD report (May 2013) A.Mzyk
        This month I moved one step ahead in my research and elaborated the results of studies concerning HUVECs growth on genipin cross-linked polyelectrolyte coatings. I attempted to improve the cellular adhesion properties of films through chemical cross-linking with a genipin. Hyaluronan (HA), poly-L-ly

      • Glowinski - May report
        In May I focused my activity on writing a paper on a new method
        for calculating grain boundary distributions. The new method
        uses a concept of metric functions defined in the boundary parameter space.
        The first tests showed that our approach
        reveals more details comparing with th

      • PhD report (May 2013) J.Poplewska
        In this month I made ​​the transition of data obtained in EBSD/SEM for the cross-section ND-TD and TD-ND into rolling ED-TD.
        The analysis of texture data for the calculated percentage shares texture components defined as:
        - C = (11-1) [112] - component 'Copper

      • PhD report June2013PC
        I went to Mallorca within the ERASMUS exchange scheme where at the University of Balearic Islands I conducted DSC studies of some preselected samples.
        I obtained promissing results, which hopefullly will help to compile a new paper studying the effect of atomic order enhancement on martensitic

      • May 2013/ Piotr Bobrowski
        This month I took part in the EMAS2013 conference and a course “An Introduction to EPMA: An EMAS Short Course”. They were both held in Porto. During the conference I presented a poster. The course was very useful. It helped me to understand the WDS system which we have installed in the microscope th

      • PhD report (May 2013) K. Stan
        Main studies carried out during this month:

        - characterization of new melt spun ribbons: microstructure studies using SEM, phase composition analysis using XRD, DSC, preliminary investigation of thin foils using TEM

        - participation in QEM 2013, Saint Aygulf, France

      • PhD report G. Kulesza (May'13)
        I ran some simulations in the FDTD Solutions. The program was used to test the reflectivity from the silicon surface due to the different surface structures constructed in this program. Also I examined the pits distribition after acidic texturization. Distribution curve which maximum is shifted towa

      • May
        Modified matching program schedule features the experimental X-ray peaks. It was found that different types of distributions, by their different nature, can result in a variable position of the peak, which is a key parameter for us. Therefore, the decision was made to one type of decomposition - Pea

      • PhD report (May 2013)
        In May I have returned to AA7475/AlN nano-composites produced via powder metallurgy route and tried to develop a proper heat treatment for these materials. I started with a conventional heat treatment, characteristic for the matrix alloy, which is the T6 heat treatment (solution heat treatment + art

      • Progerss in research
        Lately I have been on scientific internship in Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry. During the internship I refined the annealing process of thin silver flms. I found apropriate resistance tube furnace.

        I performed photochemical deposition on large area using Xenon lamp. I obtai

      • PhD Progress JK
        In May I went to Porto to take part in EMAS 2013 13th EUROPEAN WORKSHOP on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS. This year EMAS workshops was organized with cooperation of LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia and SPMICROS - Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia. Duri

      • PhD report (May 2013) K.Kubok
        My activities in May:

        In May I had a pleasure to take the QEM 2013 curse. The workshop was held during two weeks, from Monday 13th to Friday 24th of May 2013.Place was extraordinary - Saint-Aygulf, on the French riviera. This school was devoted to advanced electron microscopy users. The l

    • May
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