Scientific blog
PhD report (June 2011) H.Kazimierczak  
Monday, 4 July, 2011, 17:03
In June 2011 I continued the study of hydrogen release on different surfaces from citrate solutions. Surface-limited kinetics of hydrogen release were derived for arbitrary surface coverage (alloy layers: Zn30%-Sn70%, Zn50%-Sn50%, Zn70%-Sn30%). The experiments were carried out and controlled by means of PARSTAT 2273 potentiostat. Polarization curves were determined under various hydrodynamic conditions by the rotating disc electrode technique.
I conducted research in the following solutions:
1) 0,1 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
2) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
3) 0,4 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
4) 0,7 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
5) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=1;
6) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=2;
7) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=3;
8) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=4;
9) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=6;
10) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=7.

The results of all carried out tests, and plans for further research were discussed in detail with the tutor Prof. Associate. dr hab. Piotr Ozga.

In June 2011 I attended in the following seminars:
- M.Sc. Eng. Lukasz Rogal: „Technologia tiksoformowania wybranych stopow zelaza i aluminium w aspekcie ich struktury i wlasciwosci”;
- M.Sc. Eng. Michal Spisak: „Nanoskalowa funkcjonalizacja powierzchni materialow porowatych pod zasiedlanie komorkowe”;
- Professor Henryk Paul: ‘Instability of plastic flow and their role in texture transformations in fcc metals’ (third meeting);
- Associate Professor Jerzy Morgiel: 'Development, characterization and properties of composites produced with nano-materials'(second and third meeting);
- Associate Professor Marek Faryna: ‘Correlation between ceramics microstructure and functional properties’ (second and third meeting).

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