Monday, 4 July, 2011, 17:03
In June 2011 I continued the study of hydrogen release on different surfaces from citrate solutions. Surface-limited kinetics of hydrogen release were derived for arbitrary surface coverage (alloy layers: Zn30%-Sn70%, Zn50%-Sn50%, Zn70%-Sn30%). The experiments were carried out and controlled by means of PARSTAT 2273 potentiostat. Polarization curves were determined under various hydrodynamic conditions by the rotating disc electrode technique.I conducted research in the following solutions:
1) 0,1 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
2) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
3) 0,4 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
4) 0,7 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=5;
5) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=1;
6) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=2;
7) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=3;
8) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=4;
9) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=6;
10) 0,25 M (Na3HCit+H4Cit); pH=7.
The results of all carried out tests, and plans for further research were discussed in detail with the tutor Prof. Associate. dr hab. Piotr Ozga.
In June 2011 I attended in the following seminars:
- M.Sc. Eng. Lukasz Rogal: „Technologia tiksoformowania wybranych stopow zelaza i aluminium w aspekcie ich struktury i wlasciwosci”;
- M.Sc. Eng. Michal Spisak: „Nanoskalowa funkcjonalizacja powierzchni materialow porowatych pod zasiedlanie komorkowe”;
- Professor Henryk Paul: ‘Instability of plastic flow and their role in texture transformations in fcc metals’ (third meeting);
- Associate Professor Jerzy Morgiel: 'Development, characterization and properties of composites produced with nano-materials'(second and third meeting);
- Associate Professor Marek Faryna: ‘Correlation between ceramics microstructure and functional properties’ (second and third meeting).