Scientific blog
Ph.D finish - MTrybula 
Tuesday, 30 June, 2015, 12:45
The main subject of the research were three liquid ternary Al-Li-Zn alloys of compositions corresponding to three intermetallic phases present in the solid state of the Al-Li-Zn system. Foundation for analysis of the ternary system was laid bythe investigation of three constituent binaries: Al-Li, Li-Zn and al-Zn.
This thesis focuses on describing the relationship between structure and thermodynamic, and transport properties of the selected liquid Al-Li-Zn alloys. This relationship was analyzed using a wide variety of experimental and computational methods. Experimental measurements of thermodynamic functions were performed using the galvanic cell method. Physicochemical properties were investigated using the draining crucible method (DC). Within the computational methods applied, classical and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations can be mentioned. Chemical short-range order characteristics was obtained by computing the short-range order parameter from ab initio molecular dynamics results. The topology of local atom arrangement was investigated using the Common Neighbor Analysis (CNA) and Voronoi Analysis (VA). Physicochemical properties analysis was supplemented by the data obtained using semi-empirical models.
The studies performed gave a coherent and detailed description of Al-Li-Zn alloys liquid phase, including physicochemical, thermodynamic and structural properties. The applied methodology allowed to confimr the hypothesis stated.

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