Scientific blog
PhD report (July 2011) K. Stan  
Friday, 5 August, 2011, 13:53
Main studies carried out during July:

- preparation of ribbons with zirconium addition for observation with Scanning Electron Microscopy by embedding in resin, polishing, sputtering with thin carbon layer. As a result of microscopy investigation inhomogeneous structure of obtained ribbons was observed (as in previous obtained ribbons)
- preparation of new alloys with addition of the following elements: V, Ti, Mo, Cr
- observation of prepared ingots microstructure, determination of chemical composition of observed phases with SEM
- obtaining ribbons from prepared ingots by melt-spinning technique
- TEM investigations of Al-Mn-Fe ribbon in as-cast state and after annealing
-preparation of the article for 39th School in Material Science in Krynica, Poland (26-30 September): “Microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal stability of Al-Mn-Fe melt-spun ribbons” and an abstract: „Characterization of Al-Mn-Fe melt-spun ribbon” for publication in “Archives of Metallurgy and Materials”.

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