Scientific blog
Wonderfully cooked May P. Czaja on his War and Peace writing skills 
Sunday, 20 May, 2012, 16:47
May, May May…just reflecting on this shortest of months, in terms of the number of characters in its name of course! In May I cooked mostly that is to say I busied myself with preparing a concoction. I mixed together ethanol and orthoposphoric acid, which was to give a solution badly needed for making thin foils for our TEM studies. Something hasn’t gone according to plan though and the concoction turned out not to be as effective as the previous one. That left me with no other choice but to make another one. Trying maybe to change one of the ingredients. Can’t change both!
In May I also started writing up, no, no, no, not my thesis, but my first article. Aye, aye! I put together all of the results and tried to squeeze some sense out of it. The coming months taught me however that life ain't easy and I will have to practice my scientific writing skills a bit more. TOUGH! Howerla

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