Friday, 8 March, 2013, 11:13
In February I continued my efforts to shape titanium's microstructure by means of plastic deformation procedure. The plan was to deform both grade 2 and grade 4 titanium in order to obtain some more sample material and with sufficient reproducibility. Unfortunately however, deformation process failed, with two prepared extrusion dies (made of tool steel) broken down during attempts at extrusion of grade 2 titanium. This was not expected, as similar material was previously extruded with success, using the same KoBo process parameters. Subsequent attempts were carried out using extrusion dies made of Inconel alloy (heat treated for high temperature performance), but those also failed during extrusion of grade 2 Ti. Since our titanium seems to be behaving slightly different, compared to one that was successfully extruded, I will try and find out how exactly it is different in means of its microstructure and why is it so hard to deform.