Scientific blog
Tuesday, 8 October, 2013, 09:39
With regard to process the data from the various improvements made &#8203;&#8203;EBSD . First cut off background for calculating pole figures , which was not as significant to the quality of these figures , but significantly accelerated the calculation. Cut-off backgrounds , however, it is always advisable because it can contribute to the formation of certain artifacts in the calculation of intergranular relationships . An example might be if only the angle of disorientation , but more on that in later reports . Secondly entered the correct scaling pole figures - now scaled is not every pole figure separately, but all have a common scale , which determines the maximum of the most intense pole figure . This allows for an unambiguous assessment of the texture on the basis of a statement such as the three pole figures - in the case study of alloy AZ31 is the dominant component (0001 ) < 11-20 > . Thirdly, efforts were made to improve the calculation of pole figures at the expense of a reduction in accuracy. For this purpose, a histogram of all orientations dividing the space orientation of the cube and assigning each cube orientation in the middle of such a cube and a strength associated with the number of counts orientation that went to the ankles. This whole operation takes place quite rapidly , and the restoration of the pole figure as sorted data . Qualitatively goes under , but not enough for symmetrical structures - eg ortorombowych - is a problem with playing these figures. As we know the structure of orthorhombic symmetry operators have four , but they do not work well in comparison with eg Labotexem . Diffraction measurement introduces an additional symmetry associated with the indiscernibility planes hkl and - hkl . It was found that the multiplication of the symmetry operators results in the correct symmetry of the pole figures . Perhaps this is the solution to this problem .

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