Friday, 3 January, 2014, 11:59 Posted by Jakub Kawalko
This month I was busy preparing the proposal for grant titled: Evolution of complex loading pre-deformed microstructure and texture of CP titanium during mechanical and thermal treatment, investigated by means of Orientation Microscopy techniques. Should my application prove be successful, I will continue to work on KoBo deformed titanium, but focus on further modifications to the microstructure by means of cold deformation and annealing.
December report (K. Glowinski)
Thursday, 2 January, 2014, 13:55 Posted by Krzysztof Glowinski
The newest paper is finally available: ... nlineFirstRecently I have also started revising my paper on symmetric boundaries. Besides, there appeared a paper by Bulatov et al. in which a function for calculation of boundary energy based on geometric parameters is proposed. It will be interesting to compare their results with populations of boundaries published so far (low-energy boundaries should have high populations).
Sunday, 29 December, 2013, 11:10 Posted by Marcela Trybula
The CFM formalism were used for study of the thermodynamics and physicochemical properties in liquid melts. Interaction energy parameters have been numerically calculated and used for desciption of the concentartion-concentration fluctualtion function, the Warren-Cowley short-range order parameter. Also transport properties have been analysed, namely diffusivity and viscosity. Basing on CFM fomalism, the surface properties: surafc etension and surface concentration, were computed. The modelled data were confronted with the measured by PhD student. These modelled correlate well with these measured.
Sunday, 22 December, 2013, 20:15 Posted by Honorata Kazimierczak
In December I took part in “São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Electrochemistry, Energy Conversion and Storage – SPASECS” where I presented the results of my work in the form of poster entitled „“Electrodeposition of Zn-Mo layers from aqueous citrate solutions””. Also I listened to several very interesting lectures concerning various aspects of electrochemistry.
PhD report November 2013 A.Mzyk
Friday, 13 December, 2013, 06:44 Posted by Aldona Mzyk
This month was not so sad and depressive as I expected despite of drowsy weather. Probably it took place thanks to many things which have to be done. I performed cytotoxicity assays of PEM films such like PLL/HA and PLL/ALG. I also prepared Chi/CS samples which were sent to Laser Center in Leoben (Austria) in order to introduce into their structure SiC nanoparticles by PACVD method.
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