Scientific blog
PhD report A. Mzyk (November 2014) 
Monday, 13 January, 2014, 00:30
Posted by Aldona Mzyk
This November was a long month full of cycling through the Leoben in Austria. I spent all my time on practicing tribology measurement methods, samples scratching and PACVD deposition techniques. I have measured mechanical properties of polyelectrolyte coatings based on 24 bilayers of PLL/HA containing silver nanoparticles introduced by in situ UV induced reduction method. I have also prepared set of tube samples for future hemocompatibility analysis of PEMs modified by nanoparticles.
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PhD report (December 2013) J.Poplewska  
Wednesday, 8 January, 2014, 17:02
Posted by Jagoda Poplewska
This month I measured textures for the Al-Zr alloy (for the deformed state and for selected recrystallized states) by X-ray diffractometer. It looks that the recrystallization occurred at room temperature - it will be verified by observations into SEM/EBSD.

I have started to write an introduction to my PhD thesis entitled: "Role of low-angle boundaries in microstructure and texture transformations during annealing of severely deformed aluminum alloys"


1. Methods for the preparation of ultra fine-grained materials using SPD methods
2. Thermal stability of the materials produced by ECAP
3. Mechanisms of recrystallization – main groups of theories
4. Low-angle boundaries – their role in the theories
5. The main methods of research of ultra fine-grained materials (microstructure and texture)
6. Scientific purpose and dissertation thesis
7. Experimental

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December 2013/ Piotr Bobrowski 
Wednesday, 8 January, 2014, 13:49
Posted by Piotr Bobrowski
This month I was focused on writing the introductory part of my PhD thesis.
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December K. Stan-Glowinska 
Tuesday, 7 January, 2014, 15:42
Posted by Katarzyna Stan
This month I was working really hard to finish first version of an introduction to my PhD thesis entitled: “Aluminium alloys based on Al-Mn-Fe system strengthened with quasicrystalline particles – microstructure and properties”.
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PhD report (December 2013) MG 
Tuesday, 7 January, 2014, 13:54
Posted by Marta Gajewska
I’ve spent last month trying to prepare first chapters of my doctoral dissertation:

- “Literature review of development of particle-reinforced aluminium matrix composites (AlMCs)”

- and “Materials and experimental procedure”.
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