Scientific blog
April report 
Thursday, 30 April, 2015, 16:01
Posted by Zbigniew Starowicz
In April I was mostly concentrated on response to the Rewievers questions or comments. Besides the major questions I had obtained from them considerable number of mainor comments and corrections that I had to include in the final version of the thesis.
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Wednesday, 22 April, 2015, 08:05
Posted by Piotr Drzymala
It is possible to show on EBSD map projections of vectors normal to the common plane twin 102. Moreover, for a number of selected grains pole figures were prepared: on your own system, TSL and HKL. We can see that:
1. The limits of Twin are very well defined and the directions normal to the planes are generally perpendicular to the grain boundaries
2. Directions are displayed correctly because it agrees with the figures pole 102
3. My program corresponds to the convention TSL (x-down, y-right), working with HKLem requires caution
Keep in mind that if we want to apply the criterion described geometry of the border, there is no way to manipulate orientations gathered by EDAX system by changing the sample:

To determine the boundaries of applied algorithm, which recognize the grain due to the consistency of orientation. Then, as highlighted objects have been extended through translation unit in two independent directions. Created incidence matrix grains, and the boundaries were determined by multiplying the expanded neighboring grains. On the map the boundaries of tolerance dezorientacjach 10 ° angle for ideal angle of 60 ° and 10 ° axis tolerance for the ideal axis 111.
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2PT model for thermodynamics - MTrybula 
Tuesday, 21 April, 2015, 14:14
Posted by Marcela Trybula
Preparation for exam from materials science. Continuation of themodynamic modelling perfroming quantum calculations for binaries. Elaboration a thermodynamic model for entropy analysis of metallic solutions using 2PT approach (two-phase model).
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PhD report (March 2015) A.Mzyk 
Wednesday, 8 April, 2015, 23:09
Posted by Aldona Mzyk
This month was a final step in dissertation writing. Described results might be fundamental for modern type of tissue analog preparation.Migration channels in form of straight lines obtained in ablation process provided the control of smooth muscle cells migration and spreading, mimicking their organization in blood vessel‘s wall. Poly-L-lysine/hyaluronic acid (PLL/HA) coatings cross-linked by carbodiimide or modified by silicon carbide nanoparticles introduction could be the most promising for surface functionalization of cardiovascular devices. Biomimetic multiscale surface functionalization of polyurethane/vinyl polychloride base materials improved their bio(hemo)compatibility. Presented results confirmed that significant improvement of blood contacting materials could be possible by fabrication of the multilayer structure mimicking the natural blood vessel‘s wall. The dissertation presented also a new approach in biomaterials hemocompatibility evaluation which seemed to be promising and would be developed in further experimental work.
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March (K. Glowinski) 
Wednesday, 8 April, 2015, 15:08
Posted by Krzysztof Glowinski
My dissertation was sent to the reviewers. There is no more chance to improve the manuscript.
I'm waiting for their comments.
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