Simulations preliminary results. Z.Starowicz
Tuesday, 4 September, 2012, 11:56 Posted by Zbigniew Starowicz
I have obtained first preliminary results of my computer simulations. They were performed using FDTD Solutions of Lumerical. This program uses fine mesh of lattice points in the space and solves Maxwell's equations in ech point. By placing any object and setting light source with distnct monitors program allows to predict saome basic features and behaviors of the model. First of my task was investigation of various features of different metals in respect to scattering cross section of the incident light. Aluminum, Silver, Gold, Copper and Palladium particles show interesting increase in the different part of the spectrum. I have also confirmed dependency of Scattering and absorbtion cross section on surrounding refractive index. In case of 120nm silver sphere pick was shifted from 350nm to 670nm when refractive index changed from 0 to 3,5. Additional secondary pick can observed when value of n equals 2,5
Monday, 3 September, 2012, 12:04 Posted by Honorata Kazimierczak
In August I continued the the voltammetric studies and potentiostatic deposition of alloy layers, on the steel and copper surfaces, from stable homogeneous Zn(II)-Mo(VI) citrate baths with various concetrations of sodium citrate and sodium molybdate. Next I summarized all the investigations carried out during last moths and I wrote paper entitled "Investigation of electrochemical co-deposition of zinc and molybdenum from citrate solutions". In this work I state, among others, that it is possible to electrodeposit Zn-Mo alloy layers from the aqueous citrate solutions. I hope my article will be published soon.
Friday, 31 August, 2012, 13:32 Posted by Piotr Drzymala
Attempts were made to embossing pattern on a copper disc, completed only a partial success. Due to the high melt of the strong deformation pattern is only partially extruded. However, it was discovered the cause of this difficulty - an outside company doing the matrix does not leave room for the flow of the material during deformation, which is why it has failed to do our prototype in a proper manner. In a further step we modify the template and will attempt embossing pattern. However, two discs prepared with outlines of designs. Since the earlier attempt to create a mirror of the first disk failed, perhaps due to the large curvature of the mirror, or due to a small increase in the electron density caused by insufficiently strong deformation, treated steel segment of curvature smaller ball for the second disc bending previously prepared by careful polishing .
PhD scientific blogging PCzaja
Friday, 31 August, 2012, 11:53 Posted by Pawel Czaja
While August was dissolving into a distant memory I designed new compositions of my alloys (Ni-Mn-Sn). This is to study the influence of valence electron concentration on martensititic start tarnsformation temperature within a concentration range that seems to be uncharted according to literature. The compositions are set and now all that needs to be done is the casting.
PhD report G. Kulesza (June'12 & July'12)
Monday, 27 August, 2012, 12:15 Posted by Grazyna Kulesza
In June I had a two-week research internship at the Wroclaw University of Technology. On the internship I was testing a new alkaline texturing solution based on digestion with KOH and dihydric alcohols. In July, I attended a conference Junior Euromat addressed to students and young researchers. At the conference, I had the opportunity to see the latest developments in the field of materials science.
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