Monday, 1 April, 2013, 23:56
Posted by Piotr Drzymala
In the meantime, texture measurements were made on the extruded pipe section and further pilger rolled and extruded alloy AZ31 in three spots. Measured reflections 002, 101 and 100 and the orientation distribution functions were calculated for the three points. Since the program LaboTex automatically narrows the field of orientation function (Euler space) in the case of higher symmetry than triclinic and there is no way to save the functions of a full field, you had to work around this problem in a sophisticated manner described in the literature. After completion of the orientation function to generate a SOR of individual orientations in a large number (in our case 2000000). Then you need to change the structure of the code editor to 1 (symmetry triclinic) and open the converted file in the LaboTex. Now you just need to generate the orientation distribution function on the basis of individual orientation, so that we skip the tedious process of symmetrization orientation distribution function, of course, at the expense of extra work.Posted by Piotr Drzymala
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