Scientific blog
Wednesday, 7 May, 2014, 09:01
Posted by Krzysztof Glowinski
Taking advantage of ERASMUS program I visited
Institute of Physics of Materials of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Brno.
I spent there a week exchanging experience
concerning computation of grain boundary distributions.
I was also trying to learn basics of
atomistic simulations with LAMMPS package.
It allows computation of boundary energy for a given geometric arrangement.
This could help in interpretation of some results.
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April report 
Wednesday, 7 May, 2014, 08:09
Posted by Zbigniew Starowicz
In the previous month, the focus was on the study of titanium dioxide substrates for photochemical method and FDTD simulation software of the particles no the cell front configuration.
The simulation stage included simulation set up preaparation and its advancing. Within the titania substrates investigation, the transmission, reflection an absorbacne spectra were measured. Next the absorption band edge was calculated. Optical constant and thickness were found from elipsometry measuremnts and fitting.
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PhD report April 2014 A.Mzyk 
Tuesday, 6 May, 2014, 15:47
Posted by Aldona Mzyk
Bloody Spring has came… In the darkness of air conditioned lab I have started hemocompatibility assays. PEMs were prepared on PCV tubes in order to perform experiments in aortic flow simulator. I’ve also continued CLSM visualization of smooth muscle cells growing on samples modified by migration channels. Finally, coatings functionalized by the SiC or Ag nanoparticles for the ATR-FTIR analysis were prepared during this few sunny days.
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K.Kubok phD report (April 2014) 
Sunday, 4 May, 2014, 17:09
Posted by Katarzyna Kubok
During last month I finished some corronsion experiments on heat-treated samples. The results are very promising. Moreover I have started to write and article about precipitations sequence in my alloys and their crystallographic orientations versus orientation of the matrix - the work is in progress.
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structure o fliquids_MTrybula 
Saturday, 3 May, 2014, 23:06
Posted by Marcela Trybula
Comparison of structural and transport properties of selected liquid binary Al-based alloys, including bond analysis.
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