August 2013/ Piotr Bobrowski
Wednesday, 28 August, 2013, 12:23 Posted by Piotr Bobrowski
This month I was focused on writing another one article. It is entitled: “Zastosowanie techniki FIB-SEM do badań wybranych materiałów drobnokrystalicznych” and is supposed to be printed in the proceedings of the “XLI Szkoła Inżynierii Materiałowej” conference which will take place in September in Krynica Zdrój. Additionally, I was processing the experimental data collected from ZrO2 samples using the Dream3D software.
optical measurements of annealed particles
Sunday, 18 August, 2013, 10:48 Posted by Zbigniew Starowicz
Preliminary results of optical measurements of annealed samples with silver nano islands have showed the red shift of LSPR wavelength with incerse of silver layer thickness. Each sample displays diffusion part of either transmission and reflectance. Annealed silver samples on glass display much bigger transmission when compared to as sputtered. Representative results with microstructure investigatetion results are expected in the beginning of Sepetmber.
MTrybula (aerodyanmic levitation method and their application)
Friday, 16 August, 2013, 16:13 Posted by Marcela Trybula
Introduction to areodynamic levitation techniques and their application to liquid binary metallic systems was studies. Levitation melting of the materials of light metals at high-temperature have was performed. It is planned to used of this method to investigate of structural and dynamic properties on liquid and undercooled alloys using an novel approach proposed by CEMHTI group.
PhD report (July 2013) J.Poplewska
Thursday, 15 August, 2013, 09:48 Posted by Jagoda Poplewska
I have been working on the preparation an article titled: ' Microstructure and texture evolution during annealing of AA1050 aluminium alloy pre-deformed in ECAP' for the Conference 'School of Materials Science and Engineering' to be held in Krynica (Poland) in September. This month were done measurements on X-ray diffractometer for AA1050 and AA3004 aluminium alloys. Part of these results will be published in that article.
Wednesday, 14 August, 2013, 16:54 Posted by Honorata Kazimierczak
August is very hot this year in Kraków and I’m spending it on the preparation of Zn-Mo alloy samples for the corrosion tests. I need dozens of samples for corrosion test, so my work in August is very important but also tedious and monotonous.
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