Monday, 6 June, 2011, 14:26
Posted by Honorata Kazimierczak
In May 2011 I continue the study of stability of homogeneous Zn(II)-Sn(II)-Mo(VI) citrate solutions and the study of electrochemical properties of citrate complexes presented in examinated solutions. Posted by Honorata Kazimierczak
The electrochemical behavior of citrate complexes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry method. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) is one of the most commonly used electrochemical techniques, and is based on a linear potential waveform; that is, the potential is changed as a linear function of time. It offers a rapid location of redox potentials of the electroactive species. CV can be used to investigate the electrochemical properties of species.
All my electrochemical studies were carried out with PARSTAT 2273 potentiostat. The working electrode was copper disc, the reference electrode was saturated calomel electrode, and the counter electrode was platinum.
I conducted research in different hydrodynamic conditions, in the following solutions:
1) 0,65 M Na3HCit; pH=5;
2) 0,25 M Na3HCit; pH=5;
3) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,02 Na2MoO4; pH=5;
4) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,05 Na2MoO4; pH=5;
5) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,1 Na2MoO4; pH=5;
6) 0,25 M Na3HCit; 0,02 Na2MoO4; pH=5;
7) 0,25 M Na3HCit; 0,05 Na2MoO4; pH=5;
8) 0,25 M Na3HCit; 0,1 Na2MoO4; pH=5;
9) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,08 SnSO4; pH=5;
10) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
11) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,16 ZnSO4; 0,08 SnSO4; pH=5;
12) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,02 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
13) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,05 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
14) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,1 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
15) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,15 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
16) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,20 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
17) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,24 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
18) 0,65 M Na3HCit; 0,30 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
19) 0,25 M Na3HCit; 0,02 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
20) 0,25 M Na3HCit; 0,05 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
21) 0,25 M Na3HCit; 0,1 Na2MoO4; 0,16 ZnSO4; pH=5;
The results of all carried out tests, and plans for further research were discussed in detail with the tutor Prof. Associate. dr hab. Piotr Ozga.
In May I also attended in the following seminars:
-6.05.2011 roku M.Sc. Eng. Sylwia Pawlak „Charakterystyka naprężeniowo-teksturowa obszarów o niejednorodnej strukturze w wybranych materiałach i elementach konstrukcyjnych” ;
- 27 maja 2011 M.Sc. Eng.. Tomasz Kruk „Ultracienkie wielowarstwowe filmy polimerowe jako wielofunkcyjne powłoki i membrany”.