Friday, 11 January, 2013, 10:05
Posted by Aldona Mzyk
December was dedicated to diffusion process observation in the PEM coatings using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching technique. I prepared two series of samples for SEM analysis. The first series of specimens was cross-linked by four different concentrations of the chemical reagent and the second one was subjected to variable temperature conditions. I have started working on results obtained in a radial flow chamber experiments. Moreover I presented results obtained so far for my coatings on the PhD seminar in Dresden. During visit in Germany I also participated in workshop "Nano-scale Materials and Advanced Characterization Techniques". I listened a series of lectures on advanced nano-analysis techniques for materials science and I had an opportunity to become familiar with the equipment available in the laboratories of the Fraunhofer (IZFP-D) Institute, where course took place. Posted by Aldona Mzyk
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