Tuesday, 5 November, 2013, 15:46
Posted by Jakub Kawalko
In october i have attended a 4th Stanislaw Gorczyca School on TEM Basics and Advanced Sample Preparation which was organized by the AGH in Krakow. During the school I have listened to a number of lectures regarding various aspects of electron microscopy techniques and applications. Lectures were covering broad spectrum of subjects related to electron microscopy with main focus converged on Transmission Electron Microscope. Each segment was followed with practical demonstration on actual equipment, where participants had chance for more discussion regarding ways of conducting experiments.Posted by Jakub Kawalko
Following the EM school i took place in 2nd Joint PhD Seminar this time organized in Krakow. During the seminar multiple oral presentations have been given by PhD students and young scientists from organizers institution (Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science PAS and AGH Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics) as well as from abroad (TU Dresden). During the poster session I have presented poster presentation concerning my latest results on microstructural characterization of KoBo deformed hexagonal materials. Title of the presentation was: “Microstructure characterization in hexagonal materials deformed plastically by complex loading”.
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