PhD report (November 2012) J.Poplewska
Friday, 14 December, 2012, 10:02 Posted by Jagoda Poplewska
I have collected results obtained for a series of aluminum alloy AA3004. Based on the analisys of EBSD/SEM maps I could draw the following conclusions: - microstructure of AA3004 alloy subjected to severe plastic deformation (ECAP A6x) and then annealed for 1 hour retain homogeneity up to about 250°C and ultra-fine grain structure. The average grain size below 1 micron is kept up to about 270°C. The most unfavorable microstructure has an alloy annealed at 300°C; - Number of LAGB and HAGB decreases with increasing annealing temperature which is related to the grain growth. For temperature lower than 300°C, in the microstructure are dominating HAGB and above it their amount is kept constant and the difference between HAGB and LAGB is not as significant; - The nature of the changes of average dezorientation for HAGB and LAGB as a function of annealing temperature is independent of each other.
PhD report (November 2012) A.Mzyk
Thursday, 13 December, 2012, 17:58 Posted by Aldona Mzyk
In November I spent most of time analyzing results obtained from microbial experiments and AFM measurements. Of course, I was also working in the lab, where I had stained samples after Impact R test and subsequently visualized surfaces by CLSM.I prepared a new series of specimens for HUVEC’s growth kinetics observation but unfortunately cells refused adhesion on my PEM coatings. This failure surprised me a little bit but I figured out reason of tricky behavior of endothelial cells. I didn’t give them any sweets (fibronectin) so they knocked on the other door. ;)
PhD report A.Mzyk (November 2012)
Thursday, 13 December, 2012, 17:54 Posted by Aldona Mzyk
In November I spent most of time analyzing results obtained from microbial experiments and AFM measurements. Of course, I was also working in the lab, where I had stained samples after Impact R test and subsequently visualized surfaces by CLSM.I prepared a new series of specimens for HUVEC growth kinetics observation but unfortunately cells refused adhesion on my PEM coatings. This failure surprised me a little bit but I figured out reason of tricky behavior of endothelial cells. I didn’t give them sweets (fibronectin) so they knocked on the other door.
PhD report (November) K.Kubok
Wednesday, 12 December, 2012, 11:14 Posted by Katarzyna Kubok
My activities in November: During this month I had to prepare oral presentation and poster for: •1) 9th Polish-Japanese Joint Seminar on Micro and Nano Analysis organised together with Microscopy Society and University of Toyama, - Sieniawa 10-13 October 2012 •2) SIM 2012 organised by University of Science and Technology in Krakow - 24-27 October 2012
Only a few steps forward in November (by K. Glowinski)
Tuesday, 11 December, 2012, 14:16 Posted by Krzysztof Glowinski
This was a really long month. I have been trying to resolve an issue of incompatibility of three coordinate systems: the one in which Euler angles of misorientations are computed, the one in which x and y coordinates of .ang data files are given and the last one which is used in the external software used for reconstruction of surface meshes of grain boundaries, the software interprets the first two somehow... I spent hours carrying out various tests hoping to end up with correct shape of grain boundary distributions. Meanwhile I improved many features of my program making it more user-friendly.
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