PhD report March 2014 A.Mzyk
Sunday, 13 April, 2014, 15:05 Posted by Aldona Mzyk
In women’s month I was working on 12, 24 PLL/HA and PLL/ALG bilayer polyelectrolyte films preparation in order to assess adsorption of FBS proteins. I prepared polymer coatings on samples modified by migration channels. Samples were settled by the smooth muscle cells culture.
PhD report (March 2014) J.Poplewska
Friday, 4 April, 2014, 17:51 Posted by Jagoda Poplewska
I have done this month: - sample preparation to SEM obserwation; - orientation maps measurment (EBSD/SEM technique) for 3004 and Al-Zr aluminium alloys; - plane strain compression for the 1050 aluminium alloy in the deformed state (after 0, 1- and 3- passes through ECAP die); - attendance in PAS Semminars.
PhD report (March 2014) K. Stan-Glowinska
Friday, 4 April, 2014, 12:01 Posted by Katarzyna Stan
This month I was writing the next chapter of my PhD thesis, which in fact is the most important one and concerns the final results of my work. In the meantime I have tried to finish the last part of experiments connected with the characterization of bulk samples.
K.Kubok phD report (March 2014)
Wednesday, 2 April, 2014, 13:06 Posted by Katarzyna Kubok
During this month I have stared to pepare to very important presentation in my institute. I tried to revised all the data from previous years and conclude them - unfortunately it is not done yet. Moreover, I started corrosion experiments on heat-treated samples.
PhD report (March 2014) M. Gajewska
Tuesday, 1 April, 2014, 15:10 Posted by Marta Gajewska
Writing in progress… Last month’s theme: RESULTS Tons of graphs, images, schemes to prepare and describe.
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