June in Italy P. Czaja reporting on his adventurous travels
Friday, 29 June, 2012, 17:05 Posted by Pawel Czaja
In June I went to Italy. It was splendid although I went there not for holiday but for a conference. Montecatini Terme was a site of the 12th International conference on Smart Materials and Structures organized by CIMTEC. It was my first so BIG multiculti scientific gathering. I regard it as a highly interesting exercise. It was most definitely a valuable experience to see what other people in your field are up to and to struck up one or two or more, if you’re lucky, acquaintances. I presented a poster during the poster session and even got some questions, which I was able answer. What a success!
PhD report (April 2012) K. Stan
Wednesday, 27 June, 2012, 13:52 Posted by Katarzyna Stan
Main studies carried out during April: - microhardness measurements for the ribbons with molybdenum addition after annealing - XRD analysis of phase composition for the ribbons with molybdenum addition after annealing - TEM investigations of thin ribbons with molybdenum addition – analysis of microstructure evaluation after annealing - analysis of the results obtained so far, - participation in seminars and lectures
PhD report G. Kulesza (May'12)
Friday, 22 June, 2012, 15:26 Posted by Grazyna Kulesza
This month I was textured silicon wafer, again in acidic solutions. I prepared also the wafers to the academic placement on the Wroclaw University of Technology. The preparation was consisted of cleaninging and thoroughly etching defected layer.
Thursday, 21 June, 2012, 20:08 Posted by Piotr Drzymala
The prototype software was modified to count stress sin2ψ method based on the geometric center of gravity of the peaks. Based on data smoothed fitted linear background, which then is subtracted from the raw data and the smoothed data, which served to match one of the specified distribution function. For now uses Gaussian distributions, Cauchy, Lorentz and Pearson VII. It is expected to use a combination of the distributions of typical peaks, such as the separated components of Kα and Kβ. Distributions were determined on the basis of the measured peak ends, and this was done in several ways. In the first stage background was subtracted and counted three ranges: standard deviation, maximum width of the peak intensity and the full range of data best suited for distribution. In the second stage, left background, and counted two ranges: the standard deviation and the maximum width of the peak intensity for the best-matched schedule. Calculated by these methods zwłascza principal stresses and principal stress angle of incidence showed a fairly significant differences.
PhD report (May 2012) A.Mzyk
Friday, 15 June, 2012, 12:08 Posted by Aldona Mzyk
Another month has passed...In May I focused on analysis of results which I obtained from micromechanical tests and FTIR studies. I’ve also summarized the thermal stability experiments. Calorimetric measurements and microscopic analysis of endothelial cell growth kinetics showed that polyelectrolyte multilayer films are stable in a broad range of temperatures. All results obtained so far were used to prepare a poster for the E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting conference, for symposium focused on functional biomaterials.
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