Sunday, 9 June, 2013, 09:16 Posted by Pawel Czaja
I went to Mallorca within the ERASMUS exchange scheme where at the University of Balearic Islands I conducted DSC studies of some preselected samples. I obtained promissing results, which hopefullly will help to compile a new paper studying the effect of atomic order enhancement on martensitic transformation temperature in Ni-Mn based alloys.
May 2013/ Piotr Bobrowski
Friday, 7 June, 2013, 15:39 Posted by Piotr Bobrowski
This month I took part in the EMAS2013 conference and a course “An Introduction to EPMA: An EMAS Short Course”. They were both held in Porto. During the conference I presented a poster. The course was very useful. It helped me to understand the WDS system which we have installed in the microscope that I barely use. Most of the time during this month I spend preparing for the conference so I did not do much experimental work.
PhD report (May 2013) K. Stan
Friday, 7 June, 2013, 14:23 Posted by Katarzyna Stan
Main studies carried out during this month: - characterization of new melt spun ribbons: microstructure studies using SEM, phase composition analysis using XRD, DSC, preliminary investigation of thin foils using TEM - participation in QEM 2013, Saint Aygulf, France
PhD report G. Kulesza (May'13)
Thursday, 6 June, 2013, 17:29 Posted by Grazyna Kulesza
I ran some simulations in the FDTD Solutions. The program was used to test the reflectivity from the silicon surface due to the different surface structures constructed in this program. Also I examined the pits distribition after acidic texturization. Distribution curve which maximum is shifted toward smaller pits size (distribution with a tail) gives the highest reflection reduction. I was participate on two conferences: IV Symposium Photovoltaics and Transparent Electronics - Perspectives of Developement (second place for the best speech) and EMSR in Strasbourg.
Thursday, 6 June, 2013, 10:15 Posted by Piotr Drzymala
Modified matching program schedule features the experimental X-ray peaks. It was found that different types of distributions, by their different nature, can result in a variable position of the peak, which is a key parameter for us. Therefore, the decision was made to one type of decomposition - Pearson distribution in three different variations of parameter power series. If the need arises also will adjust the program doubled peak (peak Kbeta part). This was followed by the traditional method of measuring stress traditional sin ² Ψ at Phi = 0 and 90, and Psi from zero to 75 at 7.5 and assigned to each designated decay fit certain weight to the data and prepared charts sin ² Ψ by taking into account the importance of each point. Then we written a function that takes arguments crystallographic lattice parameters - default for Mg, h, k, l plane, phi, chi goniometer, i, j, k, l, tensor - the coordinates of the elastic susceptibility tensor element and the same tensor. This function prints a list: the Eulerization angles, rotation matrix around the diffraction vector of iterated angle sensor, ijkl-th element of rotated tensor. Using this feature allows you to write to the plane crystallographic data fi Chi and all the necessary components 33ij of rotated tensor with Euler angles. On the basis of these data and the values of the orientation distribution function was calculated diffraction elastic constants, weighing just rotated tensor orientation distribution function.
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