PhD report (September 2012) A.Mzyk
Monday, 15 October, 2012, 14:32
Posted by Aldona Mzyk
In September I participated in session B courses organized as a part of European School on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (ESONN'2012) in Grenoble - France. That was the ninth edition of three-week summer school aimed at providing training for PhD students in the field of nanotechnologies and nanosciences. The academic and practical courses covered aspects such as the elaboration, characterization and functionalities of objects in “nano” scale. The program was directed to highlight the fundamental and technological advances in Nanoelectronics (session A) and at the interface between Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Session B). This two sessions were run in parallel but all participants shared common lectures and practicals.
Lectures for session B (18 x 1h45):- Advanced biophysics to study molecular systems – given by R. Hovius, J. Piguet, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Microfluidics for Lab-on-chips – given by J.B. Salmon, Bordeaux, France
- Nano-objects synthesis – given by M. Brust, Liverpool, UK
- Surface and molecular physico-chemistry – given by R. Richter, San Sebastian, Spain
- Mechanics of molecules and biological structures – given by B. Hoogenboom, London, UK
- Drug delivery by nanoparticles – given by B. Pitard, Angers and C. Passirani, Nantes, France
Common lectures (9 x 1h45): - Near-field microscopies – given by H. Hug, Basel, Switzerland
- Self-assembled systems and materials – given by M. Boncheva, Geneve, Switzerland
- Technology of nanofabrication – given by G. Faini, Marcoussis, France
- From research to business with nanotechnologies – given by V. Mangematin, Grenoble, France
Practicals:- “BioChips” Introduction to DNA microarray technology and application to comparative genomic hybridization
- Droplets for the study of membrane protein
- Atomic Force Microscopy
- Study of biomolecular interactions by surface Plasmon resonance biosensor analysis (BIAcore technology)\
- Initiation to Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy: An application to study the colocalization of adhesion cell proteins
Seminars:- STMicroelectronics – given by D. Thomas
- Cytoo cell architects: scientific and commercial story – given by F. Chatelain, Cytoo
- An introduction to ethics: What role for ethical questioning in a scientific’s life? – given by N. Farouki, CEA Grenoble