Volume 62 / Issue 2B/2017

- T. Pieczonka, Disruption of an Alumina Layer During Sintering of Aluminium in Nitrogen full text PDF
- E.-B. Kim, J.-M. Koo, S.-J. Hong, Effect of Ga2O3 Nanoparticles Dispersion on Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of p-Type BiSbTe Based Alloys full text PDF
- Hyo-Seob Kim, Fikret Yilmaz, Peyala Dharmaiah, Dong-Jin Lee, Tae-Haeng Lee, Soon-Jik Hong, Characterization of Cu and Ni Nano-Fluids Synthesized by Pulsed Wire Evaporation Method full text PDF
- Peyala Dharmaiah, C.H. Lee, B. Madavali, Soon-Jik Hong, Effect of Surfactant Addition on Bi2Te3 Nanostructures Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method full text PDF
- Hyun Seon Hong, Dae Weon Kim, Hee Lack Choi, Sung-Soo Ryu, Solvent Extraction of Co, Ni and Mn from NCM Sulfate Leaching Solution of Li(NCM)O2 Secondary Battery Scraps full text PDF
- A.H. Al-Azzawi, J. Sytchev, P. Baumli, Increasing the Surface Hardness of Cast Iron by Electrodeposition of Borides in Molten Salts full text PDF
- Seong Ho Son, Sung Cheol Park, Man Seung Lee, Enhancement of Life Time of the Dimensionally Stable Anode for Copper Electroplating Applications full text PDF
- Mi Sun Jo, Jin Kyu Lee, Crystallization Behavior of Zr62Al8Ni13Cu17 Metallic Glass full text PDF
- D. Koncz-Horváth, G. Gergely, Z. Gácsi, Whisker-Like Formations in Sn-3.0Ag-Pb Alloys full text PDF
- G. Gergely, D. Koncz-Horváth, Z. Weltsch, Z. Gácsi, Development of Crack Detection Method with 2 Dimensionally Generated 3 Dimensionally Reconstructed Images in THT Solder Joints full text PDF
- Jae-Yeon Kim, Jung-Woo Hwang, Hye-Young Kim, Seung-Mi Lee, Woo-Sang Jung, Jai-Won Byeon, Fabrication of AZ31/CNT Surface Nano-composite by Double-pass Friction Stir Processing full text PDF
- Jung-Ho Ahn, Tae Kyu Kim, Jeongsuk Ahn, The Effect of Additive Element on the Properties of Mechanically Alloyed Fe-Y2O3 Alloys full text PDF
- B.S. Min, J.U. Cho, Impact Characteristic According to the Structure of Crash Box at the Vehicle full text PDF
- S.H. Choi, B. Ali, K.S. Choi, S.K. Hyun, J.J. Sim, W.J. Choi, W. Joo, J.H. Lim, T.H. Lee, T.S. Kim, K.T. Park, Reaction Kinetics and Morphological Study of TiNb2O7 Synthesized by Solid-State Reaction full text PDF
- S.H. Choi, B. Ali, S.K. Hyun, J.J. Sim, W.J. Choi, W. Joo, J.H. Lim, Y.J. Lee, T.S. Kim, K.T. Park, Fabrication of a Spherical Titanium Powder by Combined Combustion Synthesis and DC Plasma Treatment full text PDF
- A. Molnar, M. Benke, Z. Gacsi, Correlation Between Pin Misalignment and Crack Length in THT Solder Joints full text PDF
- R. Zybała, K. Mars, A. Mikuła, J. Bogusławski, G. Soboń, J. Sotor, M. Schmidt, K. Kaszyca, M. Chmielewski, L. Ciupiński, K. Pietrzak, Synthesis and Characterization of Antimony Telluride for Thermoelectric and Optoelectronic Applications full text PDF
- A. Gyenes, M. Benke, N. Teglas, E. Nagy, Z. Gacsi, Investigation of Multicomponent Lead-free Solders full text PDF
- M. Farvizi, Challenges of Using Elemental Nickel and Titanium Powders for the Fabrication of Monolithic NiTi Parts full text PDF
- J.J. Oak, Y.H. Kim, K.C. Bae, Y.H. Park, Effect of Hafnium and Zirconium to Glass Forming Ability, Thermal Stability, Plasticity Deformation and Crystallization of Ni-free Pentabasic Ti-based Bulk Metallic Glasses full text PDF
- J.J. Oak, Y.C. Lee, Y.H. Park, Structural Properties and Mechanical Behavior of the 2 Step-Reinforced Al-Si/SiCp Metal Matrix Composite by Titanium-Fiber full text PDF
- Yong Hwan Kim, Jeong-Jung Oak, Ki-Chang Bae, Wook Jin Lee, Yong Ho Park, High-temperature Oxidation Behavior and Kinetics of Forged 12Cr-MoVW Steel full text PDF
- K.C. Bae, J.J. Oak, Y.H. Kim, Y.H. Park, Effect of Fe Content on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Al-Mo-V-Cr-Fe Alloys full text PDF
- H. Asgharzadeh, H.S. Kim, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-3 vol% CNT Nanocomposites Processed by High-Pressure Torsion full text PDF
- Seung-Yeon Park, J.H. Kim, S.J. Seo, J.S. On, K.M. Lim, Fabrication of High-Strength Gray Cast Iron Using Permanent Magnet Scrap full text PDF
- B. Ali, S.H. Choi, S.J. Seo, D.Y. Maeng, C.G. Lee, T.S. Kim, K.T. Park, Carbon Co-Deposition During Gas Reduction of Water-Atomized Fe-Cr-Mo Powder full text PDF
- M. Kong, H.W. Kim, Synthesis and Characterization of Si Oxide Coated Nano Ceria by Hydrolysis, and Hydrothermal Treatment at Low Temperature full text PDF
- H. Rudianto, C. Edtmaier, I. Dlouhy, F. Soukal, Effect of Ultrasonication Dispersion Technique on Sintering Properties of CNT Reinforced Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Powder full text PDF
- Eun Byeol Choi, Jong-Hyun Lee, Preparation of Submicroscale Ag-Coated Cu Particles by Multi-Step Addition of Ag Plating Solution and Antioxidation Properties for Different Ag Shell Thicknesses full text PDF
- Jun Ho Hwang, Jong-Hyun Lee, Transient Liquid Phase Behavior of Sn-coated Cu Particles and Chip Bonding Using Paste Containing the Particles full text PDF
- R. Bureš, M. Strečková, M. Fáberová, P. Kollár, J. Füzer, Advances in Powder Metallurgy Soft Magnetic Composite Materials full text PDF
- K. Bortnyik, P. Barkóczy, Examination of Clustering in Eutectic Microstrcture full text PDF
- S. Nagy, L. Bokányi, I. Gombkötő, T. Magyar, Recycling of Gallium from End-of-Life Light Emitting Diodes full text PDF
- S.-M. Yoon, B. Madavali, Y.-N. Yoon, S.-J. Hong, Investigation of the Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of P-Type BiSbTe Alloys by Usage of Different Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) During Mechanical Milling full text PDF
- Chan-Mi Kim, Peyala Dharmaiah, Hyo-Seob Kim, Jar-Myung Koo, Jae-Sik Yoon, Hyun-Seon Hong, Soon-Jik Hong, Effect of Acid Dissolution Conditions on Recovery of Valuable Metals from Used Plasma Display Panel Scrap full text PDF
- J.Y. Han, O.E. Femi, F. Kilicaslan, C.U. Jeong, C.H. Baeg, S.J. Hong, J.M. Koo, Improved Mechanical Properties of Al-Si Alloys by Adding an Extrusion Process to Conventional Processing Method full text PDF
- Z. Zhao, K. Lee, Effect of Alloying Elements on Plastic Workability and Corrosion Behavior of Ti-X (X = 6 Co, 8 Cr, 4 Fe, 6 Mn, 10 Mo, and 36 Nb) Binary Alloys full text PDF
- J.-H. Lee, D.-O. Kim, K. Lee, Compressive Deformation Behavior of Thick Micro-Alloyed HSLA Steel Plates at Elevated Temperatures full text PDF
- S. Yang, J.-Gon. Kim, Magnetic Properties of (Nia-Znb)X Cu1-X Ferrite Nanoparticle Fabricated by Sol-Gel Process full text PDF
- S. Yang, K.-Pil. Jeong, S.-Y. Park, J.-Gon. Kim, Influence of Substituted Elements on Reflection Loss of Ba-Ferrite Nanoparticle full text PDF
- G. Szabó, Optimization of Roll Bonding by Hot Rolling in Experimental and Industrial Use full text PDF
- C. Jung, M.G. Lee, Y. Jeon, Effect of Laser Preheating AISI 4140 Specimens for Micro-Forging full text PDF
- W.J. Kim, H.-H. Nguyen, H.Y. Kim, M.-T. Nguyen, H.S. Park, J.-C. Kim, Sintering and Microstructures of SUS 316L Powder Produced by 3D Printing Process full text PDF
- M. Thuyet-Nguyen, Maithili-Biswas, W.J. Kim, J.-C. Kim, Fabrication and Characterization of Ni-CNT Composites by Electrical Explosion of Wire in Different Liquids full text PDF
- S.S. Kim, I. Son, K.T. Kim, Effect of Electroless Ni-P Plating on the Bonding Strength of Bi-Te-Based Thermoelectric Modules full text PDF
- R. Yu, J. Yun, Y. Kim, Synthesis and Characterization of Black CoFe2O4 Pigments Using MOOH (M = Fe and Co) Nanorod full text PDF
- A. Lekatou, N. Gkikas, A.E. Karantzalis, G. Kaptay, Z. Gacsi, P. Baumli, A. Simon, Effect of Wetting Agent and Carbide Volume Fraction on the Wear Response of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced by WC Nanoparticles and Aluminide Particles full text PDF
- S.-W. Kim, T.-Y. Ahn, Y.-S. Lim, S.-S. Hwang, Effect of Local Strain Distribution of Cold-Rolled Alloy 690 on Primary Water Stress Corrosion Crack Growth Behavior full text PDF
- Y.R. Uhm, J.J. Kim, S.M. Choi, K.J. Son, Thermal Diffusion of 57Co into Rh Foil for Preparing Mössbauer Source full text PDF
- H.-E. Lee, Y.Su. Kim, J.K. Park, S.-T. Oh, Microstructure Evolution of Ni-Based ODS Superalloy Powders During Horizontal Rotary Ball Milling full text PDF
- R. Szabó, I. Gombkötő, M. Svéda, G. Mucsi, Effect of Grinding Fineness of Fly Ash on the Properties of Geopolymer Foam full text PDF
- M.-W. Lee, K.-H. Bae, S.-R. Lee, H.-J. Kim T.-S. Jang, Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of NdFeB Sintered Magnets Diffusion-Treated with Cu/Al Mixed DyCo Alloy-Powder full text PDF
- D.-H. Kim, T.-J. Kim, S.-G. Lim, Hardness and Microstructure of Mixed Al-CNF Powder Extrusion full text PDF
- J.-H. Han, Y.-C. Kim, Study on Effects of Mold Temperature on the Injection Molded Article full text PDF
- B.-R. Koo, J.-W. Bae, H.-J. Ahn, Improved Long-Term Stability of Transparent Conducting Electrodes Based on Double-Laminated Electrosprayed Antimony Tin Oxides and Ag Nanowires full text PDF
- W.H. Lee, Y.H. Yoon, Y.H. Kim, Y.K. Lee, J.Y. Kim, S.Y. Chang, Spontaneous Formation of Titanium Nitride on the Surface of a Ti Rod Induced by Electro-Discharge-Heat-Treatment in an N2 Atmosphere full text PDF
- Y.J. Jo, Y.H. Yoon, Y.H. Kim, S.Y. Chang, J.Y. Kim, Y.K. Lee, C.J. Van Tyne, W.H. Lee, Surface Modification of Self-Consolidated Microporous Ti Implant Compacts Fabricated by Electro-Discharge-Sintering in Air full text PDF
- S.Y. Chang, H.S. Jang, Y.H. Yoon, Y.H. Kim, J.Y. Kim, Y.K. Lee, W.H. Lee, Self-Consolidation and Surface Modification of Mechanical Alloyed Ti-25.0 at.% Al Powder Mixture by Using an Electro-Discharge Technique full text PDF
- S.Y. Chang, Y.W. Cheon, Y.H. Yoon, Y.H. Kim, J.Y. Kim, Y.K. Lee, W.H. Lee, Self-Consolidation Mechanism of Ti5Si3 Compact Obtained by Electro-Discharge-Sintering Directly from Physically Blended Ti-37.5 At.% Si Powder Mixture full text PDF
- S.H. Park, D.B. Kim, R.G. Lee, I.J. Son, Thermal Conductivity and Microstructure of Copper Coated Graphite Composite by Spark Plasma Sintering Process full text PDF
- K. Pietrzak, A. Gładki, K. Frydman, D. Wójcik-Grzybek, A. Strojny-Nędza, T. Wejrzanowski, Copper-Carbon Nanoforms Composites - Processing, Microstructure and Thermal Properties full text PDF
- A. Strojny-Nędza, K. Pietrzak, M. Teodorczyk, M. Basista, W. Węglewski, M. Chmielewski, Influence of Material Coating on the Heat Transfer in a Layered Cu-SiC-Cu Systems full text PDF
- M. Chmielewski, K. Pietrzak, A. Strojny-Nędza, D. Jarząbek, S. Nosewicz, Investigations of Interface Properties in Copper-Silicon Carbide Composites full text PDF
- C.K. Lee, Y.C. Kim, A Study on Changes in Thickness of STS304 Material in the Progressive Drawing Process full text PDF
- H.-S. Cho, S.-S. Kim, Improvement of Microwave Absorbance of Polymer Composites of W-Type Hexaferrite Powders by Attachment of Frequency Selective Surface full text PDF
- B.-H. Kang, M.-H. Park, K.-A. Lee, Effect of Strut Thickness on Room and High Temperature Compressive Properties of Block-Type Ni-Cr-Al Powder Porous Metals full text PDF
- Y.-K. Kim, J.-H. Kim, J.-H. Gwon, K.-A. Lee, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Tensile Deformation Behavior of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloys Manufactured by Complex Milling Process full text PDF
- K.-A. Lee, Y.-K. Kim, J.-H. Yu, S.-H. Park, M.-C. Kim, Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Impact Toughness of Ti-6Al-4V Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting Process full text PDF
- G.-S. Ham, S.-H. Kim, J.-Y. Park, K.-A. Lee, High Temperature Oxidation Property of SiC Coating Layer Fabricated by Aerosol Deposition Process full text PDF
- G.W. Hwang, J.U. Cho, Torsion Property of the Structure Bonded Aluminum Foam Due to Impact full text PDF
- J.H. Lee, J.U. Cho, A Fatigue Fracture Study on TDCB Aluminum Foam Specimen of Type Mode III Bonded with Adhesive full text PDF
- K.K. Choi, J.U. Cho, A Study on Propagation Property of Fatigue Crack at Composite with Another Material full text PDF
- Y.-W. Kim, T.W. Mukarati, Fabrication and Shape Memory Characteristics of Highly Porous Ti-Nb-Mo Biomaterials full text PDF
- Y.-S. Cho, J.-W. Moon, Collection of Industrial Oil Using Nanoparticles and Porous Powders of Silica full text PDF
- B. Swain, D. Han, G.-H. Kim, M.-S. Kong, B. Ahn, Understanding the Oxide Dispersion Behavior of Yttria in Metal Matrix of MA956 Alloy through High-Energy Milling and Hot Press Sintering full text PDF
- D.-J. Kim, K.M. Kim, J.H. Shin, Y.M. Cheong, E.H. Lee, G.G. Lee, S.W. Kim, H.P. Kim, M.J. Choi, Y.S. Lim, S.S. Hwang, Oxidation Behavior of Steel with Cr Content and Water Flow Rate full text PDF
- J.G. Jang, J.-O. Lee, C.K. Lee, Rapid Synthesis of Gold Nano-Particles Using Pulse Waved Potential in a Non-Aqueous Electrolyte full text PDF
- X.-K. Huynh, B.-W. Kim, J.S. Kim, Effect of Mechanical Activation on the in situ Formation of TiB2 Particulates in the Powder Mixture of TiH2 and FeB full text PDF
- K. Bohács, J. Faitli, L. Bokányi, G. Mucsi, Control of Natural Zeolite Properties by Mechanical Activation in Stirred Media Mill full text PDF
- Y.-K. Jeong, Y.S. Kim, S.-T. Oh, Fabrication of Cu-Based SiC Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering of Cu-Nitrate Coated SiC Powders full text PDF
- Y. Hwangbo, J.-H. Yoo, Y.-I. Lee, Synthesis of Single Crystalline Titanium Oxide and Sodium Titanate Nanorods via Salt-Assisted Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis full text PDF
- H.P. Kim, M.J. Choi, S.W. Kim, D.J. Kim, Y.S. Lim, S.S. Hwang, Effects of Grain Boundary Morphologies on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 full text PDF