Volume 69 / Issue 3/2024


  1. L. Tóth, R.E. Fábián, P. Pinke, T.A. Kovács, M. Nabiałek, A.V. Sandu, P. Vizureanu, Comparison of the Properties of Cold Work Tool Steels with the Same Hardness but Different Manufacturing Processes full text PDF
  2. V. Petkov, P. Tashev, V. Dyakova, Analysis of the Processes in the Welding Arc during Additive Manufacturing full text PDF
  3. M. Emami, S.H. Elahi, Controlling Dilution in Multilayer Welding for Additive Manufacturing full text PDF
  4. Ooi Wan-En, Liew Yun-Ming, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, Ong Shee-Ween, Hang Yong-Jie, Tee Hoe-Woon, Lim Jia Ni, A Prefatory Sustainability Assessment of One-Part Geopolymers full text PDF
  5. M. Shahib Al Bari, Januarti J. Ekaputri, The Effect of Fiber on the Green Strength and Buildability of High-Strength 3D Printing Concrete full text PDF
  6. Z. Yang, W. Liang, L. Hu, H. Wang, Tribological Behaviors of Oxynitride Coating on TC4 Alloy Prepared by Double Glow Technology full text PDF
  7. A. Loganathan, Z. Kamdi, A.R. Ainuddin, R. Husin, A. Ibrahim, M.A.A.M. Salleh, Microstructure Characterisation, Hardness, and Corrosion Behaviour of Nickel-Silicon Carbide Electrodeposition Coating with the Influence of Ultrasonic Agitation full text PDF
  8. M. Yadav, J.K. Saha, S.K. Ghosh, Evaluation of Corrosion Behaviour of Galvanised, Galvalume and Colour-Coated Steel Sheets full text PDF
  9. A.A. Khan, M.S. Kaise, Wear Properties Analysis on Al-Based Automotive Alloy with Varied Levels of Si in Dry, 3.5% NaCl and Seawater Corrosive Environments full text PDF
  10. A. Djordjević, M. Zečević, D. Minić, M. Kolarević, D. Manasijević, V. Ristić, Effесt of Chеmiсаl Cоmposition оn thе Miсrоstruсture, Hаrdnеss, аnd Elесtrical Conductivity Profiles of the Bi-Gе-X (Gа, Cu, Zn) Allоys full text PDF
  11. M. Ravikumar, R. Naik, R. Suresh, K.Y. Chethana, A Study of Mechanical and Wear Behavior of SiC-CeO2 Reinforced Al7075 Hot Rolled Hybrid Composites full text PDF
  12. H. Taze, H. Ahlatcı, S. Yaşın, D. Ergin, Y. Türen, Z. Özeşer, F. Birol, S. Tozkoparan, T. Çitrak, Effect of Zinc and Silicon on TriboCorrosive Wear Behaviors of Hot Forged CuZn3Fe2Si3 and CuZn15Si4 Alloys full text PDF
  13. M.B. Özyı̇ği̇t, F. Hayat, Y. Kiliç, O. Gündüz, Effect of Boron in Cold Rolled DP Steels; Fundamentals of Metallurgy & General Property Map full text PDF
  14. K. Naplocha, J. Grzęda, O. Trzaska, N. Raźny, A. Dmitruk, Development of Cellular Cast Structures for Improving Heat Transfer in Thermal Energy Storage Systems full text PDF
  15. M.A. Olopade, O.O. Oyebola, R.O. Balogun, A.D. Adewoyin, A.B. Adegboyega, In-Silico Investigation of Photovoltaic Performance of MgXS3 (X = Ti and Zr) Chalcogenide Perovskites Compounds full text PDF
  16. M.A. Bouchelarm, M. Chafi, A. Boulenouar, N. Benseddiq, Effect of the Material Gradation on the Fracture Trajectory in Ceramic/Metal Functionally Graded Materials full text PDF
  17. Ch. Zhang, Y. Deng, Reductive Leaching Process and Mechanisms of Cadmium from Cadmium-Bearing Zinc Ferrite using Sulfur Dioxide full text PDF
  18. H. Zhang, Z. Guo, Z. Yuan, Indentation Characteristic Strain Determined Based on Metallic Material Damage full text PDF
  19. L. Abdullah, N.M. Apandi, N.M. Sunar, S.N.H. Arifin, M. Haron, R. Nagarajah, K. Cheong, C. Heng, C.F. Soon, M. Nabiałek, The Processing Propagation of Microalgae Botryococcus Sp. Cultivation in Palm Oil Mill Effluent Materials full text PDF
  20. M. Alharbi, H. Althubyani, E. Alarfaj, D. Dastan, A. Timoumi, L. Tao, H. Albetran, Ş. Ţălu, Photocatalytic Performances of Dip-Coated Ag Doped TiO2 Thin Films full text PDF
  21. M.S. Mohsenzadeh, Justification of the Changes in Work Hardening Exponent Based on Micro-Mechanisms of Deformation in a Plain Carbon Steel full text PDF
  22. H. Wang, N. Zhang, M. Wang, F. Yang, Effect of Particle Size, Lubricant, and Heat Temperature on the Flowability of Ni-Based Powders for Additive Manufacturing full text PDF
  23. S. Kamatchisankaran, A. Bovas Herbert Bejaxhin, K. Ramkumar, N. Ramanan, Influences of Hardened Aluminium HMMC on Tribological, Flexural and Impact Strength of Wheel Rim Element with Prognostications full text PDF
  24. Haiter Lenin A., Srinivasan Murugan, Sujin Jose Arul, Mary Vasanthi S., A Novel Real-Time Assessment of the Wear Analysis of Cu-Ni-Sn Hybrid Composite for Multifunctional Applications Strengthened by Nano B4C full text PDF
  25. W. Presz, C. Jasiński, M. Orłowska, The Use of UFG Metals Obtained in SPD Processes in the Sheet Metal Microforming full text PDF
  26. S. Senthil Kumar, G. Karthikeyan, K. Panneer Selvam, Optimization of Squeeze Casting Process Parameters on AA8011 Based HMMCs Under NaCl Environment full text PDF
  27. S. Boczkal, M. Węgrzyn, W. Szymański, J. Bem, K. Wala, B. Płonka, D. Leśniak, M. Nowak, Effect of Aging Parameters of EN AW-7021 Aluminium Alloys on Stress Corrosion Cracking full text PDF
  28. V. Haldar, S. Pal, A Metallurgical Study of Micro Plasma Arc Welded Joint of Austenitic Stainless-steel Blank full text PDF
  29. K. Saravanakumar, V.G. Balaji, T. Srijha, V. Sanjay, K. Thatchuneswaran, Analysis of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Inconel 625 Alloy by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) full text PDF
  30. Kundurti Sai Chand, Ambuj Sharma, Friction-Assisted Additive Manufacturing (FAAM) for Multistack Aluminum AA6061-T6/AA7075-T6 Armor Plates: Numerical Investigation, Fabrication, and Characterization full text PDF
  31. Z. Belamri, L. Chetibi, Synthesis of Superhydrophobic Metal Coating Based on Nanostructured ZnO Thin Films in One Step: Effect of Solvents full text PDF
  32. N. Nurlina, M.N. Alief, Z. Rahmawati, S.D. Nurherdiana, T.E. Susanto, H. Fansuri, Compressive Strength and Water Flux Performance of Type C and Type F Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Membrane full text PDF
  33. A. Vaško, V. Zatkalíková, M. Uhríčik, V. Kaňa, Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic NiMn-Nodular Cast Iron in NaCl Solution full text PDF
  34. L. Pastierovičová, L. Kuchariková, E. Tillová, V. Zatkalíková, M. Uhríčik, T. Liptáková, M. Chalupová, Effect of Mn Addition on the Corrosion and Fatigue Properties of a Progressive Secondary A357 Alloy full text PDF
  35. I. Vasková, D. Fecko, P. Delimanová, L. Jankovčin, M. Hrubovčáková, Influence of Shape of Gating System on Pouring Time and Filling of a Sprue with the Use of MAGMA5 Optimization full text PDF
  36. D. Bolibruchová, M. Sýkorová, M. Chalupová, Temperature of Precipitation Hardening and its Effect on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Zr Containing AlSi5Cu2Mg Alloy full text PDF
  37. M. Brůna, M. Galčík, M. Medňanský, J. Kasińska, Unconventional Elements in the Gating System and Their Influence on the Melt Flow and Casting Quality full text PDF
  38. T. Hamryszczak, Hot Rolling of HSLA Steels - a Review of Recent Studies full text PDF
  39. K.A. Abdul Halim, M.A.A. Mohd Salleh, M.M.A Abdullah, A.A. Rozaimi, F. Badrul, A.F. Osman, M.F. Omar, M.S. Zakaria, B. Jeż, Tensile Properties And Electrical Conductivity Of Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)/Carbon Black Conductive Polymer Composites (CPCs) : Effect Of Compounding Parameters full text PDF
  40. M.M. Ahmad, R.A. Razak, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, K. Muhamad, A.O. Mydin, A.V. Sandu, Stabilization of Lateritic Soil using Fly Ash Based Geopolymer full text PDF
  41. S.S. Majeed, Md Azree O. Mydin, R. Omar, R.A. Razak, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, S. Ishak, Effect of Fibre Mercerization on Strength Properties of Agave Cantula Roxb. Strengthen Foamed Concrete full text PDF
  42. S.S. Majeed, Md Azree O. Mydin, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, R. Omar, R. Ahmad, P. Pietrusiewicz, Engineering Properties of Foamed Concrete Reinforced with Sustainable Bamboo Fibre full text PDF
  43. A.I. Anuar, N. Parimin, N.A. Ahad, M.N. Derman, S. Garus, P. Vizureanu, High Temperature Isothermal Oxidation at 950°C of Ni-based Fe-40Ni-24Cr Alloy full text PDF
  44. S.H.M. Salleh, R.A. Malek, N.H.A. Zaidi, S.S.C. Abdullah, A. Khantachawana, K. Błoch, Effect of Tin (Sn) Addition on the Corrosion Behavior of Hydroxyapatite (HAP) Coated Mg/MgSn Alloys using Different Coating Methods full text PDF
  45. M.N. Salleh, R.A. Aziz, R. Shan Chen, L. Musa, N.N. Juhardi, Tan Mei Ai, M.F.S.A. Razak, P. Chaowana, B. Jeż, Enhancing Mechanical and Flammability Properties of Rice Husk-Reinforced Recycled High-Density Polyethylene Composites through Chemical Treatment full text PDF
  46. Ł. Dudkiewicz, M.R. Hawryluk, T. Szymańska, S. Polak, J. Ziemba, Z. Gronostajski, Application of Numerical Simulations for a Multi-Variant Analysis of the Construction of Tools Assigned for Hot Precision Forging of Small Size Forgings in Multiple Systems full text PDF
  47. D. Cristisor, D.-L. Chicet, B. Istrate, C. Stescu, C. Munteanu, Influence of TiO2 Alloying Percentage on the Morphology of APS-deposited Coatings from Cr2O3 Powders full text PDF
  48. T. Puszczało, H. Purzyńska, M. Srok1, K. Sówka, A. Zieliński, The Microstructural Evolution of the Welded Joint of Super 304H Stainless Steel after 1000 Hours of Ageing at 700 and 750°C full text PDF
  49. S. Shahari, M.F. Ghazali, M.M. Al Bakri Abdullah, Ch. Lih Tan, M.T.M. Faheem, V.E.B. Darmawan, Effects of Dolomite Geopolymer Filler on Mechanical Properties of Glass Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite full text PDF
  50. S. Rangrej, S. Pandya, J. Menghani, Investigation on the Microstructure, Microhardness and Tensile Strength of Stir-Casted A713-TiB2 Composites full text PDF
  51. B. Keskin, B. Derin, Thermodynamic Investigation of Propagating Behavior in SHS for Equiatomic and Non-Equiatomic NiTi Alloys Using Factsage Software full text PDF