Kossel pattern     KSLStrain    Kossel pattern


Plane stress case

In order to calculate strain with respect the reference lattice parameters under the assumption of plane stress in the foil,  select PSts option and click on “Strain ” command button (on main interface). This activates “Plane stress case” dialog box. There is a possibility to select some of three free stress components which are subject of determination. The components of the stress tensor are given in the Cartesian coordinate system linked to the sample. One can also request fitting of pattern center and/or camera length. Both are calculated separately for each diffraction pattern. 

The calculation requires the stiffness tensor of the material. Values of particular components of that tensor can be modified in "Stiffness tensor" dialog box, which is activated by clicking on "Stiffness" command button of  “Plane stress case” dialog box.

Stress components (and other fitted parameters) are calculated by locating a (supposedly global) minimum  of a goodness-of-fit function. A number of distinct goodness-of-fit functions are available by selecting “Strategy” in “Plane stress case”. Optimization  strategies and bounds are as in the case of  general  calculation of strain in the crystal coordinate system (CCS)

After completion of the calculation, results are displayed in the “Results” dialog box. The box allows for displaying four different groups of results.

The “Update” in the “Results” dialog box command button will change the current settings for all patterns in terms of orientations,  lattice parameters and/or pattern centers and/or camera lengths, whichever were subject of fitting. 

KSLStrain v.1.2,   Mar. 2020