By selecting "MCS" option and clicking on “Strain” command button (see main window), one gets “Strain determination MCS” dialog box which allows for calculation of some components of the strain tensor given in the microscope system (MCS stands for microscope coordinate system.) Additionally, the camera length can be determined.
The method of calculation and the arrangement of results are is as in the case of “Strain” command button and “Strain determination CCS” dialog box. The difference is that in the “Results” box (shown after completion of the calculation), the third group (called "Strain with modified diagonal x 10000") is a traceless strain tensor obtained from the first group ("Strain tensor x 10000") by subtracting diag(d3, d3,2d3), where d3=Tr(Strain tensor x 10000). Cf Ambiguity.
TEMStrain v.1.3, Dec. 2014