Accredited Testing Laboratories
at the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
25, Reymonta Str., 30-056 Kraków,
phone: (48)12 295 28 98; e-mail:
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Deputy Head in charge of Quality System and Head of Testing Laboratory:
Associate Prof. Anna Sypień, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Deputy Head of Testing Laboratory:
Marta Janusz-Skuza, Ph.D., Eng.
Scope of Testing Laboratories
L - 1
Laboratory of Strength of Materials
Static tensile, compression and hardness tests of metallic materials.
L - 2
Laboratory of Transmission Analytical Electron Microscopy
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of elements in alloys and ceramic materials, identification of phases, analysis of chemical composition and shape of precipitates, examination of structure of grain boundaries, determination of surface morphology, shape and size of inclusions.
L - 3
Laboratory of X-Ray Diffraction
Quantitative and qualitative phase analysis, evaluation of the crystallite size, lattice parameters, residual stresses and analysis of crystallographic texture.
L - 4
Laboratory of Scanning Electron Microscopy
Identification of microstructure components in steel, cast steel, non-ferrous metals and alloys.
L - 5
Laboratory of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
L - 6
Laboratory of Spectral Chemical Analysis
Quantitative chemical analysis of metallic and ceramic materials.
Laboratory of Special Microscopic Techniques
Fluorescent, biological and acoustic method of estimate of materials
The Physicochemical test laboratory
Dilatrometric test on compact materials.
Measurements of current-voltage characteristics and electrical parameters of photovoltaic cells and modules and characterization of materials optical properties realized by measurements of spectral reflectance and transmittance measurements