SURDAT Database of Lead - Free Soldering Materials
The SURDAT Electronic Database of Pb-free soldering materials includes the experimental results of the surface tension, density and molar volume for pure metals, binary and multicomponent alloys. The database consists of the descriptive part which introduces into the installation process, review of publications, the applied experimental methods and the modeling of the surface tension by means of the Butler method. It is free of charge, and will be easily implemented from our website or available on request as monograph: SURDAT Database of Lead-free soldering materials: Z. Moser, W. Gąsior, A. Dębski, J. Pstruś edited by Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, - OREKOP, 2007. The SURDAT Database of Lead-free soldering materials has been created at the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science Polish Academy of Sciences (2002-2005) and partly financed by the Ministry of Science and the Polish Committee for Scientific Research under Project No. 62/E-88/SPB/MSN/T-08 DZ 241/2002-2005 and DWM/2697/MN/2004, within the frames of the international network: “Associated Phase Diagram and Thermodynamics Committee: Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia & Montenegro”. | |
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SURDAT 2- Database of physicochemical properties of selected solders
SURDAT database published in 2007 consists mainly data of the surface tension, density and molar volume for a dozen and twenty binary, ternary and quaternary systems. Basing on experimental studies of own projects and data from the literature authors gathered new data for several dozen of lead-free solder systems and worked out new version of database SURDAT 2. It contains the properties for over fifty binary and multicomponentt alloys. Electrical, mechanical and meniscographic (wetting) properties of lead free solders and also modelled values of surface tension and viscosity, phase diagrams, and phase transition temperatures by DTA are new data in SURDAT 2. The results produced by SURDAT 2 database may be used in any publications provided that a suitable reference for SURDAT 2 is used: Please Refer to the Following Publications: W. Gąsior, Z. Moser, A. Dębski, and T. Siewert, Integration of the NIST and SURDAT databases on the theoretical and physical properties of lead-free solder alloys, International Journal of Thermophysics, 31, (2010), 502-512. W. Gąsior, A. Dębski, Modifications of the SURDAT database of the physicochemical properties of metals and alloys, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy in special issue dedicated to Prof. Moser 48 (3) (2012) 427 - 431. | |
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SURDAT 3- Database of physicochemical properties of alloys
After the issue of SURDAT 2, a decision was made by W. Gąsior and A. Dębski to expand the scope of the presented data and create a new database, SURDAT 3, in English. The changes referred to viscosity modelling (new models were discussed, the computer program was modified and calculations for new systems were made) as well as surface tension modelling (the correction parameters for the calculation of the surface area of the mono-atomic surface layer and the excess free energy of the surface phase were determined). The results produced by SURDAT 3 database may be used in any publications provided that a suitable reference for SURDAT 3 is used: Please Refer to the Following Publications:
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