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Relevant Articles
Maciej Szczerba
Article: Recent advances in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys_the Ni-Mo-Ga case
Anna Korneva
Article: Magnets with gradient microstructure
Łukasz Rogal
Article: Characterization of solidus-liquidus range and semi-solid processing of advanced steels and aluminum alloy
Krzysztof Kudłacz
Article: Template based analysis of amorphous and nanocrystalline materials by TEM (part 2)
Krzysztof Kudłacz
Article: Template based analysis of amorphous and nanocrystalline materials by TEM (part 1)
Sylwia Pawlak
Article: Scanning acoustic microscopy theory and applications to material characterization
Roman Major
Article: Bioengineering methods in designing materials for the cardiovascular system regeneration - migration channels (part 2)
Roman Major
Article: Bioengineering methods in designing materials for the cardiovascular system regeneration - analytical instruments (part 1)
Anna Wierzbicka-Miernik
Article: Fundamentals of the Differential Scanning Calorimetry application in materials scienca
Joanna Wojewoda-Budka
Article: Focused Ion Beam - Fundamentals (Part 2)
Katarzyna Berent
Article: Ferroelectric materials based on PZT ceramics
Magdalena Bieda-Niemiec
Article: In situ annealing experiments combined with orientation mapping technique in SEM and TEM
Robert Chulist
Article: Twin microstructure in NiMnGa
Przemysław Fima
Article: Calculation of Phase Diagrams
Marek Lipinski
Article: New concepts of solar cells
Grzegorz Garzeł
Article: Fundamentals of the Thermomechanical Analysis in Materials Science
Piotr Panek
Article: The development directions for PV sector based on a crystalline Si
Kazimierz Drabczyk
Article: Metal Contacts of the Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
Jan Dutkiewicz
Article: Development of a new technologies of manufacturing of functional materials at IMMS of PAS
Bogusław Major
Article: Nanoscaled Functionalization of Scaffolds for Cardiovascular Prosthesis
Władysław Gąsior
Article: Determination of phase equilibria by electrochemical method in alloys
Lidia Lityńska-Dobrzyńska
Article: TEM studies of precipitation of metastable phases in 6000 series aluminium alloys
Paweł Zięba
Article: Fundamentals of Mass Transport at Migrating Grain Boundaries (Part II)
Tomasz Czeppe
Article: Properties of the Amorphous Alloys. An Elementary Introduction
Joanna Wojewoda-Budka
Article: Focused Ion Beam – Fundamentals (Part 1)
Piotr Ozga
Article: Thermodynamic modeling of aqueous electrolytic baths and corrosion in aqueous environment
Roman Major
Article: Bioengineering methods in designing materials
Paweł Zięba
Article: Fundamentals of Mass Transport at Migrating Grain Boundaries (Part I)
Kazimierz Drabczyk
Article: Crysatlline Silicon Solar Cells in Manufacutring Technology Aspects – ARC Layer and Metal Back and Front Contacts
Jerzy Morgiel
Article: Complex characteristics of advanced materials using new transmission electron microscopy techniques
Kazimierz Drabczyk
Article: Crysatlline Silicon Solar Cells in Manufacutring Technology Aspects – The chemical preparation and junction formation
Joanna Wojewoda Budka
Article: Lead-free solder materials- state of art and perspectives for the future
Kazimierz Drabczyk
Article: Crysatlline silicon solar cells in manufacutring technology aspects – background and base material
Henryk Paul
Article: Recrystallization in ultra-fine grain structures of aluminium alloys processed by severe plastic deformation
Piotr Panek
Article: The solar cells - power from the Sun - future for the people.doc
Piotr Panek
Article: The fundamental of Si solar cells
Piotr Panek
Article: Thin film solar cells promising technology
Marek Lipiński
Article: Silicon nitride for third generation photovoltaics
Waldemar Wołczyński
Article: Criterion of the minimum entropy production in unidirectional solidification
Adam Morawiec
Article: TEM-based orientation mapping of polycrystalline materials
Joanna Wojewoda-Budka
Article: Co-continuous ceramic composites (C4) produced by the solid-liquid interaction
Łukasz Major
Article: Microstructure changes during wear process in coatings described by TEM technique
Anna Sypień
Article: Modern materials prepared with the use of levitation melting method in the magnetic fields
Krzysztof Sztwiertnia
Article: Application of orientation mapping in TEM and SEM for study of microstructural evolution during annealing. Example: Aluminum alloy with bimodal particle distribution
Anna Janus
Article: Hydroxyapatite based ceramic materials
Agnieszka Bigos
Article: Electrodeposition and characterisation of Ni-based anticorrosive coatings
Anna Góral
Article: Analysis of residual stresses
Wojciech Wajda
Article: Plastic deformation modeling of metallic materials