
Research interests





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Chronological list of  publications:

1. A.Morawiec and J.Pospiech, Properties of projection lines in the space of the orientation distribution function,  Textures Microstruct. 10, 243-264 (1989). [Link]

2. A.Morawiec and J.Pospiech, Some information on quaternions useful in texture calculations, Textures Microstruct.  10, 211-216 (1989).

3. A.Morawiec, Calculation of polycrystal elastic constants from single-crystal data, phys. stat. sol. (b) 154, 535-541 (1989).

4. W.Wołczynski and A.Morawiec, Metoda określania funkcji aproksymującej polożnie linii likwidus - solidus dla potrzeb równania mikrosegregacji, Metalurgia i Odlewnictwo 16, 365-384 (1990).

5. A.Morawiec,   Estimation of texture inhomogeneity  in   the near-the- surface layer of a flat sample, Arch.  Metall. 35, 395-400 (1990).

6. A.Morawiec, The rotation rate field and geometry of orientation space, J. Appl. Cryst. 23, 374-377 (1990).

7. A.Morawiec, K.Wierzbanowski, J.Jura and A.Baczmanski, Prediction of deformation texture in polycrystals, Phil.Mag.A 64, 1251-1263 (1991).

8. A.Morawiec, A method of texture inhomogeneity estimation from reflection pole figures, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 4, 339-349 (1992).

9. J.Bonarski and A.Morawiec, Determination of texture inhomogeneity in near- surface layers. Experimental verification, J. Appl. Cryst. 25, 624-627 (1992).

10. A.Morawiec and J.Pospiech, Functions describing orientation correlations in polycrystalline materials, Textures Microstruct. 19, 67-74 (1992). [Link]

11. A.Morawiec, J.A.Szpunar and D.C.Hinz, Texture influence on the frequency of occurrence of  CSL-boundaries  in  polycrystalline materials, Acta metall. mater. 41, 2825-2832 (1993). [Typos]

12. A.Morawiec, Review of deterministic methods of calculation of polycrystal elastic constants, Textures Microstruct. 22, 139-167 (1994). [Link]

13. A.Morawiec, Elastostatic Green's function and its spatial derivatives for cubic symmetry. Exactly solvable cases, phys.stat. sol. (b) 184, 313-324 (1994).

14. A.Morawiec and J.A.Szpunar, About the texture influence on the frequency of CSL boundaries in steels, Mater.Sci.Forum 157-162, 1263-1270 (1994).

15. A.Morawiec, A note on texture function determination from not-corrected pole figures, Arch. Metall. 39, 469-477 (1994).

16. K.T.Lee, G.deWitt, A.Morawiec and J.A.Szpunar, The application of the etch-pit method to quantitative texture analysis, J.Mater.Sci. 30, 1327-1332 (1995).

17. A.Morawiec, Misorientation angle distribution of randomly oriented symmetric objects, J. Appl. Cryst. 28, 289-293 (1995).

18. K.T.Lee, J.A.Szpunar, A.Morawiec, D.B.Knorr and K.P.Rodbell, Correlation between special grain boundaries and electromigration behaviour of aluminium thin films, Can. Metall. Quat. 34, 287-292 (1995).

19. A.Morawiec, Distributions of rotation axes for randomly oriented symmetric objects, J. Appl. Cryst. 29, 164-169 (1996). + Erratum, J. Appl. Cryst. 29, 593 (1996).

20. A.Morawiec and D.P.Field, Rodrigues parameterization for orientation and misorientation distributions, Phil.Mag.A. 73, 1113-1130 (1996).  [ PDF (166kB) ]

21. A.Morawiec, The effective elastic constants of quasi-isotropic polycrystalline materials composed of cubic phases, phys. stat. sol. (a) 155, 353-364 (1996).

22. A.Morawiec and J.A.Szpunar, Asymmetric domains for misorientations in Rodrigues parameterization of rotations,  in Proc. of the Eleventh International Conference on Textures of Materials - ICOTOM, ed. by Z.Liang, L.Zuo and Y.Chu, International Academic Publishers, Beijing 1996, pp. 1364-1369.

23. A.Morawiec and J.A.Szpunar, Misorientation angle and axis distributions for randomly oriented symmetric objects, in Proc. of the Eleventh International Conference on Textures of Materials - ICOTOM, ed. by Z.Liang, L.Zuo and Y.Chu, International Academic Publishers, Beijing 1996, pp. 1370-1375.

24. A.Morawiec, Distributions of misorientation angles and misorientation axes for crystallites with different symmetries. Acta Cryst. A53, 273-285 (1997).

25. A.Morawiec, Comment on “Determination of a Mean Orientation from a Cloud of Orientations. Application to Electron Back-Scattering Pattern Measurements” by Humbert et al. (1996). J. Appl. Cryst. 31, 484-484 (1998).

26. A.Morawiec, Comment on “Probabilities of Random Disorientation Axes in Cubic Polycrystals” by Basson (1997). J. Appl. Cryst. 31, 486-487 (1998).

27. A.Morawiec, A note on mean orientation. J. Appl. Cryst. 31, 818-819 (1998).

28. A.Morawiec, Symmetries of grain boundary distributions, Proc. of the Third Int. Conf. on Grain Growth, ed. by H.Weiland, B.L.Adams and A.D.Rollett, TMS, Warrendale 1998, pp.509-514.  [ PDF (67kB) ]

29. A.Morawiec, Calculation of distribution of grain boundary energy over grain misorientations, Scripta Mater. 41, 13-18 (1999).  [ PDF (110kB) ]

30. A.Morawiec, Automatic orientation determination from Kikuchi patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 32, 788-798 (1999).

31. A.Morawiec, Reliability of automatic orientation determination from Kikuchi patterns, in Proc. of the 12-th International Conference on Textures of Materials - ICOTOM12, ed. by J.A.Szpunar, NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada 1999, pp.62-67.

32. A.Morawiec and D.Saylor, Registry between sections in precision sectioning of polycrystalline materials, in Proc. of the 12-th International Conference on Textures of Materials - ICOTOM12, ed. by J.A.Szpunar, NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada 1999, pp.198-203. 

33. B.L.Adams, C.L.Bauer, D.Casasent, B.El-Dasher, D.Kiderlehrer, I.Livshits, F.Manolache,  D.Mason, A.Morawiec, W.W.Mullins, S.Ozdemir, H.Rogan, G.Rohrer, A.D.Rollett, D.Saylor, S.Ta'asan, A.Talukder, C-T.Wu, C-C.Yang and W.Yang, Extraction of grain boundary energies from triple junction geometry, in Proc. of the 12-th International Conference on Textures of Materials - ICOTOM12, ed. by J.A.Szpunar, NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada 1999, pp.9-18.

34. A.Morawiec, Grain misorientations in theories of abnormal grain growth in silicon steel. Scripta Mater. 42, 275-278 (2000).  [ PDF (84kB) ]

35. A.Morawiec, Method to calculate the grain boundary energy distribution over the space of macroscopic boundary parameters from the geometry of triple junctions, Acta Mater. 48, 3525-3532 (2000).  [ PDF (198kB) ]

36. D.M.Saylor, A.Morawiec, B.L.Adams and G.S.Rohrer, Misorientation dependence of the grain boundary energy in magnesia, Interface Sci. 8, 131-140 (2000). [ Available at MIMP ]

37. D.M.Saylor,  A.Morawiec, K.W.Cherry, F.H.Rogan, G.S.Rohrer, S.Mahadevan and D.Casasent, Crystallographic distribution of grain boundaries in magnesium oxide, in Recrystallization and Grain Growth. Proc. of the First Joint International Conference, ed. by G.Gottstein and D.A.Molodov, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2001, pp.449-454.

38. A.D.Rollett, C-C.Yang, W.W.Mullins, B.L.Adams, C-T.Wu,  D.Kiderlehrer, S.Ta'asan, F.Manolache, C.Liu, I.Livshits, D.Mason, A.Talukder, S.Ozdemir, D.Casasent, A.Morawiec, D.Saylor, G.S.Rohrer, M.Demirel, B.El-Dasher and W.Yang, Grain boundary property determination through measurement of triple junction geometry and crystallography,  in Recrystallization and Grain Growth. Proc. of the First Joint International Conference, ed. by G.Gottstein and D.A.Molodov, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2001, pp.165-175.  [ Available at MIMP ]

39. J.Pospiech, K.Wiencek, A.Morawiec and A.Piątkowski, The grain boundary contrasting by crystallographic orientation differences method, Praktische Metallographie  39, 126-139 (2002).

40. J.Pospiech and A.Morawiec, Texture analysis based on local orientation measurements, in Metallurgy on the turn of the 20th century, ed. by K.Świątkowski, Committee of Metallurgy of the Polish Academy of Sciences,  Kraków 2002, pp.159-172.

41. A.Morawiec, J.-J.Fundenberger, E.Bouzy and J.-S.Lecomte, EP - a program for orientation determination from Kikuchi and CBED patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 35, 287 (2002).   [ PDF (197kB) ]

42. D.M.Saylor, A.Morawiec, K.W.Cherry, F.H.Rogan, G.S.Rohrer, S.Mahadevan and D.Casasent, Crystallographic distribution of low angle grain boundary planes in magnesium oxide, Mater. Sci. Forum 408-12, 1705-1710 (2002). [ Available at MIMP ]

43. J.-J.Fundenberger, A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy and J.-S.Lecomte, Orientation maps on TEM, Mater. Sci. Forum 408-12, 209-214 (2002).

44. C.T.Wu, B.L.Adams, C.L.Bauer, D.Casasent, A.Morawiec, S.Ozdemir, A.Talukder, Mapping the mesoscale interface structure in polycrystalline materials, Ultramicroscopy 93, 99-109 (2002).

45. D.M.Saylor, A.Morawiec and G.S.Rohrer, Distribution and energies of grain boundaries as a function of the five macroscopically observable degrees of freedom, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 85, 3081-3083 (2002). [ Available at MIMP ]

46. J.-J.Fundenberger, A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy and J.-S.Lecomte, Polycrystal orientation maps from TEM, Ultramicroscopy 96, 127-137 (2003).  [ PDF (1004kB) ]

47. D.M.Saylor, A.Morawiec and G.S.Rohrer, Distribution of grain boundaries in magnesia as a function of five macroscopic parameters, Acta Mater. 51, 3663-3674 (2003).  [ Available at MIMP ]

48. D.M.Saylor, A.Morawiec and G.S.Rohrer, The relative free energies of grain boundaries in magnesia as a function of five macroscopic parameters, Acta Mater. 51, 3675-3686 (2003).  [ Available at MIMP ]

49. J.-J.Fundenberger, A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy and J.-S.Lecomte, System for creating orientation maps using TEM, Mater. Chem. Phys. 81, 535-537 (2003).  [ PDF (128kB) ]

50. A.Morawiec, A method of precise misorientation determination, J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1319-1323 (2003).  [ PDF (376kB) ]

51. A.Morawiec, Orientations and rotations, Computations in Crystallographic Textures, Springer, Berlin, 2004.

52. H.Paul, A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy, J.-J.Fundenberger and A.Piątkowski, TEM orientation mapping applied to the study of shear banding, Microchim. Acta 147, 181-186 (2004).

53. H.Paul, A.Morawiec,  E.Bouzy, J.-J.Fundenberger and A.Piątkowski, On brass--type shear bands and their influence on Goss and brass texture components, Metall. Mater. Trans. 35A, 3775-3786 (2004).

54. A.Morawiec, Residual strain parameters determinable from a CBED pattern, In Proc. of  Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals II, Trans Tech Publications Inc., 43-48 (2004).

55. J.-J.Fundenberger, A.Morawiec and E.Bouzy, Advances in automatic TEM orientation mapping, In Proc. of  Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals II, Trans Tech Publications Inc., 37-42 (2004).

56. S.R.Day, A.Morawiec, J.-J.Fundenberger, A.Hazotte and E.Bouzy, Variant orientation distribution in a near-gamma Ti-Al alloy with a lamellar microstructure, In Proc. of  Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals II, Trans Tech Publications Inc., 145-150 (2004).

57. H.Paul, A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy, J.-J.Fundenberger and A.Piątkowski, Shear banding in twinned structures and their influence on brass–type texture, Mater. Sci. Forum 395–397, 1067–1072 (2005).

58. A.Morawiec, Formal conditions for unambiguous residual strain determination by CBED, Phil. Mag. 85, 1611–1623 (2005).  [ PDF (179kB) ]

59. A.Morawiec, Equilibrium conditions at junctions of anisotropic interfaces, J. Mater. Sci. 40, 2803–2806 (2005).

60. A.Morawiec and M.Bieda, On algorithms for indexing of K-line diffraction patterns, Arch. Metall. Mater. 50, 47–56 (2005).  [ PDF (708kB) ]

61. S.R.Dey, A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy, A.Hazotte and J.J.Fundenberger, A technique for determination of  gamma/gamma interface relationships in a (alpah2 + gamma) TiAl base alloy using TEM Kikuchi patterns, Mater. Lett. 60, 646–650 (2006).

62. A.Morawiec and E.Bouzy, On the reliability of fully automatic indexing of electron diffraction patterns obtained in a transmission electron microscope, J. Appl. Cryst. 39, 101–103 (2006).   [ PDF (174kB) ]

63. A.Morawiec, Surface area of coarsening cellular structures, Phil. Mag. Lett. 86, 37–45 (2006).  [ PDF (168kB) ]

64. A.Morawiec, Determinability of complete residual strain tensor from multiple CBED patterns, Mater. Sci. Forum 524-525, 115-120 (2006).

65. H.Paul, A.Morawiec,  E.Bouzy, J.-J.Fundenberger and A.Piatkowski, Orientation Imaging in Scanning Electron and Transmission Electron Microscopy for Characterization of the Shear Banding Phenomenon, Microchim. Acta  155, 243-250 (2006).

66. H.Paul, A.Morawiec,  E.Bouzy, J.-J.Fundenberger and A.Piatkowski, Shear banding in twinned structure of copper deformed at 77K, J. Microsc. - Oxford 223, 256-259 (2006).

67. A.Morawiec,  An algorithm for refinement  of lattice parameters using CBED patterns, Ultramicroscopy  107, 390-395  (2007).  [ PDF (268kB) ]

68. A.Morawiec,  Comment on “A growth rule for regular polygons with arcs as sides”, Scripta Mater. 57, 177-178  (2007).  [ PDF (87kB) ]

69. A.Morawiec,  A program for refinement of lattice parameters based on multiple convergent beam electron diffraction patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 40, 618-622  (2007).  [ PDF (189kB) ]

70. A.Morawiec,  Rate of change of boundary area in coarsening three dimensional cellular structures, Mater. Sci. Forum 558-559, 265–270 (2007).

71. H.Paul, A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy and M.Darrieulat, Nucleation of recrystallization in Cu-8%at. Al alloy studied by orientation mapping in TEM, Mater. Sci. Forum 558-559, 283-288 (2007).

72. A.Morawiec,  R.Pesci and J.-S. Lecomte, Semiautomatic determination of orientations and elastic strain from Kossel microdiffraction, in: Applications of Texture Analysis:  Ceramic Transactions 201, 163-170 (2008).

73. A.Morawiec, Tilt and twist grain boundaries, J. Appl. Cryst. 42, 308–311 (2009).  [ PDF (361kB) ]

74. H.Paul, A.Morawiec, J.H.Driver and E.Bouzy, On twinning and shear banding in a Cu-8at.%Al alloy plane strain compressed at 77K, Int.J.Plast. 25, 1588–1608 (2009).

75. A.Morawiec, On the frequency of occurrence of tilt and twist grain boundaries,  Scripta Mater. 61, 438–440 (2009).  [ PDF (211kB) ]

76. A.Morawiec, Models of uniformity for grain boundary distributions, J. Appl. Cryst. 42, 783–792 (2009).  [ PDF (872kB) ]

77. A.Morawiec, Frequencies of tilt and twist boundaries among random grain boundaries, Solid State Phenom. 160, 95–99 (2010).

78. G.Brunetti, E.Bouzy, J.J.Fundenberger, A.Morawiec, A.Tidu, Determination of lattice parameters from multiple CBED patterns: A statistical approach, Ultramicroscopy 110,  269–277 (2010).

79. H.Paul, A.Morawiec, M.Darrieulat, E.Bouzy, Twinning and shear banding in a plane strain compressed at 77K Cu-8%at. Al alloy, J. Microsc. 237, 314–319 (2010).

80. A.Morawiec, Volume of intersection of two balls in orientation space, Acta Cryst. A66, 717–719 (2010).  [ PDF (204kB) ]

81. A.Morawiec, On abnormal growth of Goss grains in grain oriented silicon steel, Scripta Mater. 64, 466–469 (2011).  [ PDF (106kB) ]

82. A.Morawiec, Low-Sigma twist and tilt grain boundaries in cubic materials, J. Appl. Cryst. 44, 1152–1156 (2011).  [ PDF (638kB) ]

83. H.Paul, A.Morawiec, F.Brisset and T.Baudin, Nucleation of recrystallization in fine grained AA3104 alloy analyzed by SEM and TEM orientation mappings, Mater. Sci. Forum  702-703, 324–327 (2012).

84. A.Morawiec, Statistical analysis of grain boundaries in the space of macroscopic boundary parameters, Mater. Sci. Forum  702-703, 697–702 (2012).

85. A.Morawiec, On 'interface-plane scheme' and symmetric grain boundaries, Z. Kristallogr. 227, 199-206 (2012).

86. H.Paul, T.Baudin, K.Kudłacz and A. Morawiec, Recrystallization in ultra-fine grain structures of AA3104  alloy processed by ECAP and HPT, Mater. Sci. Forum 715-716, 346-353 (2012).

87. K.Glowinski and  A.Morawiec,  A toolbox for geometric grain boundary characterization, In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on 3D Materials Science, ed. by M. De Graef, H.F. Poulsen, A. Lewis, J. Simmons, G. Spanos,  pp.119-124, Wiley (2012).

88. H.Paul, A.Morawiec and T.Baudin, Early stages of recrystallization in equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP)-deformed AA3104 alloy investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) orientation mappings, Metall. Mater. Trans. A43, 4777-4793 (2012).

89. A.G.Checa, J.T.Bonarski, M.G.Willinger, M.Faryna, K.Berent, B. Kania, A.Gonzalez-Segura, C.M.Pina, J.Pospiech and A.Morawiec, Crystallographic orientation inhomogeneity and crystal splitting in biogenic calcite, J. R. Soc. Interface 10, 20130425 (2013).
90. A.Morawiec and K.Glowinski, On "macroscopic" characterization of mixed grain boundaries, Acta Mater. 61, 5756-5767 (2013).  [ PDF (3.9MB) ]

91. A.Morawiec, Geometryczny opis polikryształów w IMIM PAN, Laboratoria, aparatura, badania  6/2013, 12-15 (2013). [ Link ]

92. A.Morawiec, E.Bouzy, H.Paul and J.J.Fundenberger, Orientation precision of TEM-based orientation mapping techniques, Ultramicroscopy 136, 107-118 (2014). [ PDF (4.4MB) ]

93. K.Glowinski and A.Morawiec, Twist, tilt, and symmetric grain boundaries in hexagonal materials, J. Mater. Sci. 49, 3936-3942 (2014). [ Open access ]

94. K.Glowinski and A.Morawiec, Analysis of experimental grain boundary distributions based on boundary-space metrics, Metall. Mater. Trans. A 45, 3189-3194 (2014). [ Open access ]

95. D.Bouscaud, S.Berveiller, R.Pesci, E.Patoor and A.Morawiec, Local stress analysis in an SMA during stress-induced martensitic transformation by Kossel microdiffraction, Adv. Mat. Res. 996, 45-51 (2014). 

96. A.Morawiec, A profile-based method of determining intragranular strains using Kossel diffraction patterns, Adv. Mat. Res. 996, 52-57 (2014).

97. K.Sztwiertnia, A.Morawiec, M.Bieda and J.Kawałko, Microstructure of titanium deformed by warm extrusion with forward-backward rotating die, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 63, 012012 (2014). [ Open access ]

98. D.Bouscaud, A.Morawiec, R.Pesci, S.Berveiller and E.Patoor, Strain resolution of scanning electron microscopy based Kossel microdiffraction, J. Appl. Cryst. 47, 1699-1707 (2014). 

99. D.Rosca, A.Morawiec and M.De Graef, A new method of constructing a grid in the space of 3D rotations and its applications to texture analysis, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 22, 075013 (2014).

100. A.Morawiec, Determination of orientations from monochromatic diffraction patterns as the constellation problem, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 82, 012008 (2015). [ Open access ]

101. K.Glowinski and A.Morawiec, Towards effective analysis of large grain boundary data sets, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 82, 012085 (2015). [ Open access ]

102. H.Paul, A.Morawiec, T.Baudin and T.Czeppe, TEM study of recrystallization in ultra-fine grain AA3104 alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, Arch. Metall.Mater. 60, 131-144 (2015).

103.  J.J. Fundenberger, E. Bouzy, D. Goran, J. Guyon, A. Morawiec and H. Yuan, Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) via a horizontally positioned detector, Microscopy Microanal. 21 (S3), 1101-1102 (2015).

104. H.Pirgazi, K.Glowinski, A.Morawiec and L.A.I. Kestens, Three-dimensional characterization of grain boundaries in pure nickel by serial sectioning via mechanical polishing, J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 1672-1678 (2015).

 ___. D. Chateigner, T. Baudin, C. Esling, A. Morawiec and D. Solas, Obituary: Jan T. Bonarski (1957–2016), J. Appl. Cryst. 49, 717 (2016).

105. J.J.Fundenberger, E.Bouzy, D.Goran, J.Guyon, H.Yuan and A.Morawiec, Orientation mapping by transmission-SEM with an on-axis detector, Ultramicroscopy (2016).

106. A.Morawiec, A program for refinement of lattice parameters and strain determination using Kossel diffraction patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 49, 322-329 (2016). [ PDF (1.0MB) ]

107. A.Morawiec, Comment on 'The five-dimensional parameter space of grain boundaries’ by Sutton et al., Proc. Roy. Soc. A 472, 20150442 (2016).  [ Link ]  [ Manuscript PDF (50kB) ]

108. A.Morawiec, On representing rotations by Rodrigues parameters in non-orthonormal reference systems, Acta Cryst A72, 548-556 (2016). [ PDF (0.5MB) ]

109. A.Morawiec, Ind_X: program for indexing single-crystal diffraction patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 50, 647-650 (2017). [ PDF (0.3MB) ]

110. A.Morawiec, Geometry of X-ray based measurement of residual strain at desired penetration depth,  phys. stat. sol. (a) 214, 1700308  (2017). [ PDF (0.2MB) ]

111. A.Morawiec, On accounting for preferred crystallite orientations in determination of average elastic strain by diffraction, J. Appl. Cryst. 51, 148-156 (2018). [ PDF (0.7MB) ]

112. A.Morawiec, Parameterization of rotations in reference frames with redundant crystallographic axes, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 375, 012027 (2018). [ Open access ]

113. A.Morawiec, On 2D interface networks that are translation-invariant under curvature-driven migration, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 27, 015003  (2019). [ PDF (1.4MB) ]

114. Y.F. Shen, X. Zhong, H. Liu, R.M. Suter, A. Morawiec and G.S. Rohrer, Determining grain boundary energies from triple junction geometries without discretizing the five-parameter space, Acta Mater. 166, 126-134 (2019).   [ Link ]

115. A.Morawiec, A new metric for the space of macroscopic parameters of grain interfaces, Metall. Mater. Trans. A 50,  4012-1015 (2019). [ Open access ]  [ PDF (0.5MB) ]

116. A. Morawiec, On distances between grain interfaces in macroscopic parameter space, Acta Mater. 181,  399-407 (2019).

 ___. A. Morawiec and J.A. Jura, Obituary: Jan Pospiech (1936-2020).  [ PDF (0.3MB) ]

117. A.Morawiec, Indexing of diffraction patterns for determination of crystal orientations, Acta Cryst. A76, 719-734  (2020). [ PDF (1.6MB) ]

118. A.Morawiec, On ab initio indexing of Laue diffraction patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 54, 333-337 (2021). [ PDF (1.0MB) ]

119. A.Morawiec, A remark on ab initio indexing of electron backscatter diffraction patterns, J. Appl. Cryst. 54, 1844-1846 (2021). [ PDF (0.4MB) ]

120. A.Morawiec, Indexing of Crystal Diffraction Patterns: From Crystallography Basics to Methods of Automatic Indexing, Springer Nature,  Cham (CH), 2022. 

121. A.Morawiec, On recrystallization nucleation in pure aluminum, arXiv:2305.08378 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] (2023).

122. A.Morawiec, On the determination of dense coincidence site lattice plane, Acta Cryst. A78, 491-497  (2022). [ PDF (0.7MB) ]

123. A.Morawiec, On automatic determination of quasicrystal orientations by indexing of detected reflections, Acta Cryst. A79, 339-344  (2023). [ PDF (0.6MB) ]

124. A.Zięba, A.Jarzębska and A.Morawiec, Microstructures and microtextures of melt-spun decagonal Al-Co-Ni and Al-Co, Mater. Char. 205, 113326 (2023). [ Open access ]

125. A.Morawiec, On the magnitude of error in the determination of rotation axes, J. Appl. Cryst. 57, 1059-1066 (2024). [ PDF (0.5MB) ]

126. A.Morawiec, Indexing neutron transmission spectra of a rotating crystal, Acta Cryst. A80, 379--386 (2024). [ PDF (0.7MB) ]

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