Seminaria - semestr zimowy 2024/2025
Program seminariów naukowych w IMIM PAN
Seminaria odbywają się w trybie stacjonarnym, hybrydowym lub formie wideokonferencji
Termin | Autor | Tytuł referatu | Instytucja |
15.10.24 (wtorek) godz.1100 | Profesor Yuta Okuno | Peptoid based self-assembly for biomedical application | Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering Kansai University, Japonia |
18.10.24 (piątek) godz. 1100 | dr inż. Sebastian Kopacz | Strukturalna mechanika układów warstwowych osnowa/bliźniak w materiałach RSC streszczenie | Hydro Aluminium Metal (Norsk Hydro) |
22.10.24 (wtorek) godz.1100 | dr Pham Van Trinh | Relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg matrix composites reinforced by 2D nanostructured materials abstract | Institute of Materials Science (IMS), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Wietnam |
25.10.24 (piątek) godz.1100 | Gennaro V. Sannino | Advancements in CsPbI3 Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells: Role of Selective Transport Layers and Insights from Density Functional Theory abstract | Italian National Agency for New Technologies Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Włochy |
29.11.24 (piątek) godz.1100 | dr Serhii Lavrys dr Dmytro Vedel | Effect of Gas Nitriding on Ti-20Nb-20Zr titanium alloy microstructure abstract Understanding high temperature phenomena due to interaction between Metal and High Entropy Ceramics abstract | Department of Materials Science Base of Surface Engineering, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine |
05.12.24 (czwartek) godz. 1300 zdalnie | prof. Bożena Tyliszczak prof. Timothy E.L. Douglas | FORUM INŻYNIERII MATERIAŁOWEJ Functional Biomaterials - from MXenes through Hydrogels and Hierarchical Implants to 3D Bioprinting abstract Whey Protein Isolate: a Versatile Biomaterial for Hydrogel Formation abstract | Politechnika Krakowska Lancaster University |